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On 30 Jul 2018 at 11:11pm Bell ringer wrote:
Dear @@Confused Pedestrian, why do you assume that cyclists all want to travel at speed, and that they expect pedestruans in Cliffe High Street or other shared use paths to get out of the way? I have never seen anyone going fast in Cliffe or along the riverside path. Bell ringing and calling out are simply drawing attention to the fact that the cyclist would like to pass, if it's not too much trouble for you to move over to one side. You probably hate cyclists because you envy their good health and fitness.
On 30 Jul 2018 at 11:30pm Southover wrote:
@Bell ringer Well said!
I think the point about how Cliffe High st is designed is that everyone has right of way and it’s about mutual respect as to who gives way to who (that might be whom but who gives a sh|t)
We are mostly grown ups and it would probably help if we all behaved like it.
Or you could just keep your blinkers on and wait for the inevitable heart attack.
On 30 Jul 2018 at 11:42pm Geraint wrote:
I was cycling very slowly through the precinctvthe other day and this old fell la walked across in front of me without looking and totally unaware of anything but his desire to get close to the rhubarb.
He then called me an idiot.
I was the one looking out for other people.
Even old people can be dicks
On 30 Jul 2018 at 11:50pm Simple wrote:
When I'm driving I think cyclists are idiots....when I'm cycling I think drivers are idiots...when I'm a pedestrian I think everyone is an idiot .
On 31 Jul 2018 at 7:51am DJ wrote:
@Taxee. A professional driver? If you consider driving downhill in a heavily built up area doing 30% above the speed limit with junctions, a pedestrian crossing and entrances for commercial premises acceptable, then you're not very professional then, are you? If you are indeed a taxi driver, please let us all know your licence number and taxi firm that you rush around for so I for one can avoid using you.
On 31 Jul 2018 at 9:47am @@Confused Pedestrian wrote:
Q. "why do you assume that cyclists all want to travel at speed, and that they expect pedestruans in Cliffe High Street or other shared use paths to get out of the way?"
A. As my name suggests my post is a direct reply to "@Confused Pedestrian", who made the comment "the number of pedestrians who seem not to realise that bikes might be approaching. Personally, I find a loud tinkle on my bell usually does the trick. If not an even louder "excuse me"".
On 31 Jul 2018 at 2:03pm old man of lewes wrote:
cyclists are get on my t~ts because they ride up and down the road like they own it . 10 years ago cars bike and people alll go on well sharing the road . Its not all down to the d f l s
On 31 Jul 2018 at 2:13pm General road user wrote:
Whoever introduced the term "shared space" needs shooting.
The result has been that any form of slower road or path user with a chip on their shoulder wants to block the faster user.
On 31 Jul 2018 at 4:25pm Cheerful Charlie wrote:

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Harveys Dray

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Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.
Thomas Paine

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