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Potterton boiler is broken.

On 23 Jun 2012 at 10:41am Franthegran wrote:
Hello, I think I will need a new one I've been getting it repaired for a very long time now. I think the time has come to change it. But money is very tight! Someone told me about a local firm offering free ones! Sounds too good to be true but was wondering if anyone had heard of them and indeed who they are? Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Fran
On 23 Jun 2012 at 2:04pm Southover Queen wrote:
Hello Fran. I think you may be referring to the government Boiler Scrappage Scheme. After a bit of googling it appears to have ended and in any case wouldn't have covered the whole cost. Generally, I would be a little suspicious about anyone promising to replace your boiler for nothing though: I usually work on the basis that it sounds too good to be true it probably is!

I think I'd get in touch with a gas-safe registered engineer and ask him to come and inspect your boiler and give you a quote. Paul from Atlantis Plumbing and Heating has done a lot of work for me and for friends and I know he's honest and trustworthy; you can get hold of him on 07786 443471 (but be aware he's very busy). Other posters here might be able to offer some personal recommendations of their own.
On 23 Jun 2012 at 3:06pm FRANTHEGRAN wrote:
Thank you SQ, The information I received was not about the scrappage scheme which has now finished, but more along the lines of the Johnny Ball advert, but was by a Local company whose vans had "free boiler" written on them. But cannot remember the company, they haven't seen the vans for a while.
On 23 Jun 2012 at 3:26pm rumple wrote:
Fran, Could you be thinking of Warmfront - not a local company but a Government funded scheme to help people in your situation. You would have to be in receipt of a qualifying benefit.
On 23 Jun 2012 at 4:22pm Sarah wrote:
I live on Malling estate in an ex council house. About a year ago our boiler gave up the ghost. we had a new boiler and a massive amount of re piping done for nothing as we have paid into "Plumbcare" for a number of years. I recall that some years ago they had vans with very distinctive logo and the words "Another free boiler from ..." Sorry Fran if this is no help because you don't have "Plumbcare".
On 23 Jun 2012 at 11:22pm Reliable Plumber wrote:
What model is it and what is wrong with it?? Its probably repairable. You're not going to get it replaced for less than fifteen hundred so it's worth a punt.
On 24 Jun 2012 at 7:46pm Plumbcare wrote:
I know I will be castigated for advertising... but since we have been mentioned above I thought I had better set the record straight.
Yes we do fit free boilers for those who pay into our "Plumbcare" scheme.
If you are not currently a member then you are free to join at any time, many of our customers thought their boiler was on it's last legs and joined for a new one, many years later it is still working because BG is famous for frightening it's customers that they will have a breakdown in the coming months.
If your boiler is dead then we can do a Johnny Ball type plan if that is what appeals to you.
Lastly we can get funding in certain circumstances for either new boilers or indeed complete central heating systems for people in receipt of
Pension Credit
WFTC with qualifying income below £16,190
Other Income Supports

Thank for listening.
On 25 Jun 2012 at 10:20am queequeg wrote:
Perfidious British Gas GRRRRH!
On 25 Jun 2012 at 11:14am Lewes worker wrote:
Mr Plumcare and Reliable Plumber. Do you ever take out old floor standing conventional flue boilers that are still serviceable? I'm looking for one of those heavy robust simple things like a Potterton Kingfisher. 80, 100, or 120k BTU. Any suggestions appreciated.
On 26 Jun 2012 at 6:51pm Plumbcare wrote:
Yes Lewes worker, but it would be illegal to refit it in any circumstances.

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