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On Fri 12 Jul at 3:47pm Tom Pain wrote:
Would you be kind enough to tell me if my posts are banned, none of them are appearing on the forum.
On Fri 12 Jul at 4:19pm Green Sleeves wrote:
I just saw your galileo nonsense, so relax. Your posts are coming through lol, not that they do you any favours!
On Tue 16 Jul at 7:31pm Nevillman wrote:
Try again Tom. I'm still waiting to find out any benefit of Brexit or what could have been done to give us some benefit.
On Mon 12 Aug at 7:36am Nevillman wrote:
I posted something the other day and it has now disappeared. I guess that is finally it for the forum. Thank you green, Tom and everyone else for your comments over the years and best wishes to everyone. I'll keep occasionally checking to see if there is a revival but otherwise goodbye.
On Sun 18 Aug at 3:04pm Tom Pain wrote:
Hey nev, it's working today!!! What a shambles. In answer to your question: there was no benefit to Brexit. It was superintended by Bozo Johnson the committed europhile, what could one expect? What about starmer eh? He's really making the stalin scene, you'll soon have your 15 minute ghetto utopia and absolutely no free speech whatsoever.
On Sun 18 Aug at 3:06pm Tom Pain wrote:
Hey nev, it's working today!!! What a shambles. In answer to your question: there was no benefit to Brexit. It was superintended by Bozo Johnson the committed europhile, what could one expect? What about starmer eh? He's really making the stalin scene, you'll soon have your 15 minute ghetto utopia and absolutely no free speech whatsoever.
On Mon 19 Aug at 1:13pm Green Sleeves wrote:
LOL, even the gestapo couldn't keep Tom Pain silent. Keep up the fight, comrade!!
On Mon 19 Aug at 9:56pm Tom Pain wrote:
Why doesn't my server trust this website? Does it know that it's infested with gangrene sleeves?
On Mon 19 Aug at 10:23pm Amber wrote:
I noticed that too Tom.
When I tried to log in, I had a server trust issue too.
That's why I posted and asked if anyone was around.
On Mon 19 Aug at 10:43pm Green Sleeves wrote:
Don't trust Tom Pain. That is the only advice anyone needs to know.
On Tue 20 Aug at 9:26pm Tom Pain wrote:
Would you please not butt in on other people's conversations greeny, I imagine nev and amber are quite capable of making their own decisions and go to your room now, it's well past your bedtime.
On Wed 21 Aug at 10:22am Green Sleeves wrote:
Imagine being told off by TP for butting into other peoples conversations, of ALL people. The shame!!!
On Thu 22 Aug at 9:05pm Tom Pain wrote:
Here's a blast from the past to get you frothing at the mouth - according to the worldometer site the world population increased by 1.05 per cent in the Year of Death 2020 with the pantodemic. What will happen in the Year of M Pox.... MPs going bovine?
On Fri 23 Aug at 9:58am Green Sleeves wrote:
Another useless statistic that explains nothing to anyone with added lack of context for good measure. Well done. We can go through all this covid denial ad nauseum if you are bored on a Friday. It's fun debunking morons.
On Tue 27 Aug at 5:12pm cruss-it wrote:
Still not quite clear as to the positives achieved by Brexit, Tom. Can we concentrate on the facts of the matter? And on a side bar, the coronavirus has affected the economy significantly – can we try to look for means to help the SMEs at this time?
On Wed 28 Aug at 2:19pm Nevillman wrote:
Tom has made it clear above that there were no benefits from Brexit. He blames this on Johnson who it looks to me did as much as he possibly could to ensure it was as hard a Brexit as possible by removing freedom of trade and freedom of movement. Hardly the actions of a 'europhile' which Tom accuses him off being.
This means of course that it was not in any way the fault of Tom himself who voted for the ridiculously damaging policy despite having been told that it would inevitably lead to no benefits and would cost us.
Some might think from this that Tom is a bit delusional. A quick scan of any of the other posts Tom has made over the years on climate change, 911, the world economic forum, Bill gates, moon landings etc would lead one to conclude that Tom is not 'a bit ' delusional but it's in fact very delusional.
Worth engaging with on here for entertainment purposes only.
On Wed 28 Aug at 9:40pm capitalfinance wrote:
"engaging with on here for entertainment purposes only."
Should've put this as the first line and in BOLD letters somehow
On Fri 30 Aug at 9:20pm Tom Pain wrote:
Cuss it, it's up to financial services to provide the means for SMEs to flourish. Unfortunately the big banking concerns that dominate the UK are obviously more interested in big businesses. Lots of small to medium local banks would fill the gap but unfortunately over regulation makes it extremely difficult for them. The same problem is exacerbated in Europe with the ECB, where the number of banks is rapidly diminishing. When CBDCs are introduced it will be worse because the regulator will become a competitor and we will be left with only central banks like the failed USSR.

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