On 29 Mar 2013 at 5:02pm Regular. wrote:
Lewes Post Office will be shut tomorrow ( Saturday ) as they are having a days strike action.
Be open as normal on Tuesday.
On 29 Mar 2013 at 9:08pm TDA wrote:
And the local Delivery Office too?
On 30 Mar 2013 at 8:27am Nevil rook wrote:
Good for them !
On 30 Mar 2013 at 8:45am Sussex Jim wrote:
They should think themselves lucky that they have a nice cosy secure job. Never mind the public, we're all right- and hoping for more snow so that we get another paid holiday.
On 30 Mar 2013 at 9:39am Nevil Rook wrote:
snowing now !
On 30 Mar 2013 at 10:21am TDA wrote:
Delivery office open till 12
On 31 Mar 2013 at 10:09pm Phfellow2004 wrote:
I think it was a disgrace that the PO shut up for business on Saturday and, publicising that the next nearest PO was in Ringmer or up in the S Downs at Firle, it meant that most folk could not transact their usual Saturday business.
This Easter seems to be an angered one with teachers hacked off about constraints upon their working practices and protecting their very good pension provision which has become a perk which very few of us will ever have in the future.
The weekend has also angered folk about the Welfare Benefit changes which may well hurt some. However, little publicity has been given to the fact that nearly 1m people have dropped their incapacity claims. This is an astonishing revelation because this means that over 33% of those receiving the benefit have withdrawn their claims rather than face medical assessment. This is a total of over 800,000 people. This suggests that there must be 1/2 million+ who are screwing the system and this cannot be right.
On 31 Mar 2013 at 11:37pm Low life claimant wrote:
Or maybe it's 800,000 miracles. Especially at this time of year
On 1 Apr 2013 at 8:58am Myself wrote:
"33% of those receiving the benefit have withdrawn their claims rather than face medical assessment" - where is your proof? or is this as I suspect a fantasy figure published by the Daily Mail? Demonise the poorest in society, so that whilst the mass ranks of sheep are looking in that direction the richest can steal more of your money.
On 1 Apr 2013 at 1:10pm Deelite wrote:
I think Ian Duncan Smith's office announced it. It's in the Telegraph too. It's no secret. Apparently 800,000 people have declined to take the medical test so will not receive disability benefit but receive a lesser benefit instead.
On 1 Apr 2013 at 4:01pm Myself wrote:
Of course , silly me. It must be true if the government say it...................................................................
On 1 Apr 2013 at 7:51pm Ed Can Do wrote:
Do people actually use post offices that much that them being shut on a Saturday is a big deal? You can buy stamps pretty much anywhere, bigger stuff is often cheaper to send by courier firm these days, plus they tend to actually get there that way and anything else the post office was for you can do online.
On 1 Apr 2013 at 8:16pm Sussex Jim wrote:
If you are in employment 9 to 5.30 Monday to Friday, Saturday is the only time you can get to the Post Office to renew your car licence, get your foreign currency or use any other Post Office service.
The same goes for building societies, libraries, etc.- they all need to open on Saturdays.
On 3 Apr 2013 at 12:25pm Nevil rook wrote:
Just wait until the autumn half the country will be on strike by then !