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Post Office

On 5 Feb 2009 at 11:15am Local wrote:
I went to the Post Office in the High St last Friday to post some papers. The woman behind the counter said it would be £1.08. She said I could have guaranteed next day delivery. I asked how much. She said 7. I decided not to. Strangely enough, the papers arrived where I'd sent them the next day without me paying the extra 6. At the window next to mine the clerk was trying to sell a woman a savings scheme she obviously wasn't interested in. Do you remember when the Post Office clerks were allowed to just do their job and not waste their and our time with business scams like this?
On 5 Feb 2009 at 11:21am Spongebob wrote:
I absolutely detest the Post Office for shutting all the local PO's.
The people's post office ?, My a**e
On 5 Feb 2009 at 11:30am SHS wrote:
It's a private limited company aiming only to be in those areas of business that make money. The solution is for it to be a state-owned and managed public service, with the very big proviso that the state does wish to provide services meeting the needs and budget of it's population (not currently the case).
On 5 Feb 2009 at 11:41am zola wrote:
I bought my daughter in law a present that wasn't suitable so I sent it back.
Packaged it well.sent it 1st class and recorded it,just to be sure.
The parcel never arrived.This was a month back and I am now going through a 'lost parcel' claim which will probably take a month,if not longer to sort.
I didn't insure it,as I didn't think it would get lost,but just recording it means you can claim losses of up to £40,which was what I paid for it anyway.
The parcel was sent to glasgow.And I checked everyday for a month using the tracking number.I am cross that there may be dishonest post handlers out there,but my warning is to pay for either tracking or recorded delivery when sending parcels of any value.
On 5 Feb 2009 at 12:17pm Local wrote:
You're right Zola, but what an indictment of an organisation that exists TO DELIVER LETTERS AND PACKAGES that you have to pay extra to have a chance that they might arrive.
On 5 Feb 2009 at 1:13pm Lord Landport wrote:
You Can get certifictae of posting free of charge and i Believe it covers you for a small amount of compensation should it not arrive.
On 5 Feb 2009 at 2:06pm mr happy wrote:
We have had at least 6 cards with cash for my kids birthdays gone missing in the last 6 months. My son did not recieve christmas or birthday money from grandparents posted the same time as my daughters who did recieve hers. I have lost all faith in the post servie and try now not to send anything if I can help it!! I doubt if we can get compensation can we?
On 5 Feb 2009 at 4:24pm HH wrote:
There are a lot of crooked postal workers who are on the fiddle. I know of an ex postie who was caught dumping all his mail in paper recycling bins and going home. Lord knows how long he had been doing it.
On 5 Feb 2009 at 5:44pm jonnyboy wrote:
Re SHS's comments. I understand that the Landport post office which closed last year was a profitable concern. Also that the public consultation before it's closure was a complete charade as the decision to close had already been made.
On 5 Feb 2009 at 6:12pm Lewes Laugher wrote:
I'm sure things are going to be better now we've got 'Lord' Mandelson in charge of post offices - i don't think.
On 5 Feb 2009 at 6:57pm Agony Aunt wrote:
I've been receiving mail all week (including Monday), including a parcel today. No problems here.
On 5 Feb 2009 at 7:25pm Mark wrote:
Why anyone would send cash through the postal system beats me.
It clearly states no cash to be sent unless it is registered,only got your self to blame.
On 5 Feb 2009 at 8:16pm Pearlie wrote:
No you see the problem is British people haven't yet got used to the fact that the people that live and work here are not honest anymore, because of course you used to be able to trust people. What kind of a miserable low life pinches money from kids cards, what kind of a slimeball takes money some granny has sent to her grandkiddy? These people are scum. You can't send anything through London any more, and seriously believe it will end up when you wanted it to go. But worse still, what kind of company PUTS UP WITH IT. The post office(some lovely posties I will admit) PUTS UP WITH it's employees thieving from it's customers and does nothing to prevent it. THat is what is so disgusting. The sooner we have a choice the better, and it will happen as soon as people stop tolerating this.
On 5 Feb 2009 at 8:47pm Mystic Mog wrote:
Spongebob isn't the Post Office a bit too 1950's for you?
On 5 Feb 2009 at 10:25pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
My postie is called Brian and he does an excellent job!
On 6 Feb 2009 at 9:33am mr happy wrote:
Relatives have always sent cash in cards. I dont see how else elderly relatives or people who live the other side of the country could send money for bithdays etc? What is the country coming to when you have to transfer birthday money into a bank account instead of having the pleasure of opening a card with money in it. I also dont think it is my postman fiddling because he is also lovely - not Brian so there must be 2 lovely postmen.
On 6 Feb 2009 at 10:36am Local wrote:
I started this thread complaining about the way Post Office clerks have been forced to act as 'salesman' but it seems to have turned into something about postmen. I've always had fantastic postmen in Lewes.
On 6 Feb 2009 at 10:39am Frak wrote:
Never heard of a cheque? That's what my gran used to send.
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