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Police HQ

On 6 Apr 2017 at 3:22pm Feline wrote:
I see the planning application to increase parking on the site is now on the SDNPA website. Not sure about parking on the green area to the south of Malling House.
On 6 Apr 2017 at 3:28pm Mr Malling wrote:
Better they build a car park inside the walled compound nobody can see into than continue to leave their cars parked in totally inappropriate places all over Malling. Seriously, someone up there needs to run a course in sensible car parking spaces and how to fit your car into them, the police lot put some of the 4x4 drivers in Tesco carpark to shame with their terrible attempts at parking.

What's of more concern is that they've applied for 500 parking spaces but are adding 1,000 people to the workforce so parking in Malling will get worse before it gets better. Rather than impose the dumb parking scheme as it currently stands across Malling, they should introduce resident only parking between 9:00 and 10:00 then again between 15:00 and 16:00 with free resident parking permits. That way you get no commuters, less school traffic and people in Malling don't get an extra tax to park outside their own houses.
On 6 Apr 2017 at 4:46pm Dixie Normus wrote:
I am a Malling resident and I sometimes get a little annoyed with the standard of parking or the places in which people think it is acceptable to leave a vehicle. But all the same, they are the right to park on our streets. They pay their road tax the same as us and have to drive to get to work so leave them to it I say.
On 6 Apr 2017 at 4:52pm bobobob wrote:
They tried to used the parking problems caused by the police to justify expanding the residents permit scheme to Malling but we fought them off.
Good to see them taking the cost of providing more parking rather than making residents pay to shift the problem further into Malling.
On 6 Apr 2017 at 5:48pm Tom Pain wrote:
Are you kidding mr malling,1000 new workers? They'll need the whole estate soon at that rate. What will they all do? We'll each have our own policeman to keep us on the straight and narrow.
On 6 Apr 2017 at 6:16pm Harvard close wrote:
When I drive to work through new Malling I only see great traffic calming.... All those parked cars really slow the traffic down. Come the night and the streets here are whizzing with boy racers from the estate.... oh, and I drive to work and park outside someone's house... that's life!
On 6 Apr 2017 at 6:28pm Resident wrote:
The fire service are going to be working out if there soon along with the many other police staff being moved there. Don't get too excited about the extra parking spaces - they'll all be used up by the extra people.
On 7 Apr 2017 at 12:13am Local wrote:
@Dixie Normus "They paid their road tax". ? No they didn't. Road tax was abolished in 1937. The money collected as Vehicle Excise Duty is treated as general taxation and is not intended to give the payers any rights over road space. In practice, it is mainly set at a level that penalised people for the pollution that their vehicle causes. The income, quite rightly, is used by the government to fund services like the NHS.
On 7 Apr 2017 at 9:14am Dixie Normus wrote:
@Local 0- thank you for clearing that up. The fact still stands at they have as much right as anyone else residents or not to park around here
On 7 Apr 2017 at 9:27am Ed Can Do wrote:
It's not so much that they park in Malling but as someone said already, a lot of them are really, really bad at it. The Martlets is particularly bad, I've got a small car and I struggle to fit through the gaps they leave sometimes, a fire engine or ambulance would have no chance.
On 7 Apr 2017 at 7:50pm Malling Jam wrote:
There are plans to add yellow lines around the corners of Beckett Way, Buckhurst Close etc on to Old Malling Way...so that should improve visibility for drivers leaving these roads. But has anyone seen the new gates and pedestrian access into Police Heaquarters opposite bus stop between Lambert Place and Boughy Place?
On 8 Apr 2017 at 10:17am A Person wrote:
Am I being naive to suggest that the best thing to do would be to improve public transport so that people working there have choices about how they get to their workplace? I don't really understand why it is accepted that the only way to get there is to drive and park all day in a residential area.

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