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Planning Application Cliffe High Street

On 21 May 2016 at 1:25pm Historian wrote:
So, I understand there is a planning application in for the conversion of the first floor retail space into residential at ye olde pet shoppe. Meaning the interior will loose the fabulous staircase. I wonder if the inside has any listing yet ?
On 21 May 2016 at 4:39pm Up for the cup wrote:
Got my first Chelsea strip in there , was just behind the staircase to the left , circa 72
On 21 May 2016 at 10:39pm Tipex wrote:
Generally listing applies to all of the exterior and to a lesser extent the key interior walls. Therefore converting the upstairs is likely to be approved unless they're going for some unimaginative chrome and glass modernist design.
On 22 May 2016 at 10:34pm Talk Sense wrote:
Listing applies to the whole building. End of.
On 23 May 2016 at 1:35pm Arfur Moment wrote:
@ Talk Sense
Technically you are, I believe, correct, in that the listed status applies to the building as a whole but different "listing" grades/classifications affect different aspects of the building. In some cases the "listing" only applies to the façade or shell of the building, and the interior can be changed (possibly even to the extent that an entirely new building can be built behind an old façade), whereas the highest/tightest "listed" grade means nothing at all can be changed on exterior or interior.
So "listing" per se need not apply to the interior of a building - it all depends what "grade" of listing has been awarded.
On 24 May 2016 at 1:38pm tobnac wrote:
Talk Sense has it right. I'm afraid TIpex and Arfur not quite. The listing applies to the whole building, inside and out. In some (very rare) cases a list description may state that an interior is not of special interest, but even in those cases it's down to the local planning authority to determine where the special interest of the building lies.
At 41 Cliffe High Street the proposal does indeed involve the removal of the stair. I'd have thought that this was undeniably harmful in listed building terms, but the local authority will have to weigh up which is more important; preserving the special interest of the building or meeting their (tough) targets for new housing units.

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