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Places to run / jog?

On 14 Jul 2022 at 10:15am Ella wrote:
Hi all, I'll be moving to Lewes shortly and am just trying to map out the day-to-day. I run about 5k several times a week and was wondering if anyone could tell me the best place to do so in Lewes? In the attached image, I assume one could run in the green circled areas (Convent Field & The Railway Lands reserve), but what about the yellow circled areas? Specifically:
1) The Priory grounds
2) The field to the right of Convent Field & the FC pitch
3) The big green area to the south of the The Railway Lands nature reserve
4) Along the river to the north
Any guidance is much appreciated!
On 14 Jul 2022 at 7:31pm Nevillman wrote:
Long time since I was running but all the places you ask about are good for running in. You can only follow the river to the north as far as hamsey without running the risk of being shouted at by a nasty little man but really no shortage of places to run especially if you want to run up hill. Good to run the streets in winter as well. Get to know the town.
On 19 Jul 2022 at 7:27pm I Say Ding Dong wrote:
All of the areas are suitable and from a safety perspective pretty good with the exception of the railway land's wooded area that can be a bit rutted with slippery surfaces after periods of poor weather. All areas are fairly open and well used so there are normally other people about. Beware of cyclists too in some places, particularly the 4-7 year olds out with granny/gramps they can be a delightful unintended menace at times.
In addition you can also leave the priory grounds at it's western end, turn left and follow the road back between the bypass and the playing fields all the way around past the school and back to the Priory park car park in Mountfield Road. When you get more used to the area, the old racecourse is a good but more strenuous area.

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