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Photography assignments

On 19 Jan 2010 at 1:19pm Dan Johnson wrote:
I'm one of the organisers of a select workshop for professional photographers which is taking place in Brighton next month. It aims to expose attendees to the rigours of a photojournalism assignment which is outside their normal sphere of experience.

Each attendee will be given a two-day assignment. After the first day, their images will be critiqued in detail with the aim of improving their imagery on the second day.

We are therefore contacting local businesses, organisations and individuals to ask for the opportunity for just one of our photographers to spend two days covering a story ? Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th of February.
The objective is for them to make as little impact as possible on the people / activity they are covering, while taking striking images which tell the story of their assignment "fly on the wall" or "day in the life of" style (as opposed to the usual set up advertising/PR type shots).

In return for allowing access, the business or organisation to which the attendee is assigned gets free of charge a full set of professionally-shot image files from both days, which they are free to use for any purpose except resale.

All our participants are experienced professional photographers (both male and female) from all over the UK, well used to working on their own in unfamiliar environments. They would not need "nannying" or to have any special provisions made.
We have several businesses and organisations aboard already including Infinity Foods, Brighton Pier, the Wood Recycling Project, Anvil Ironworks, Harvey's Brewery, Beads Unlimited, Brighton and Hove Athletic Football Club, Simply Stained Glass, Raystede Animal Sanctuary, Brighton and Hove Bus Company, Angelic Hell and Earthship Brighton.
We're not necessarily looking for subjects which are obvious candidates for photography as the workshop is meant to stretch the photographers, but I'm really keen to see what the possibilities are with charities or "alternative" businesses and organisations which could perhaps benefit the most from some free professional pictures.

If anybody has any bright ideas as to who else we could contact to see if they might be up for this, I'd love to hear from them. The only real requirement is that the photography needs to take place no further from Brighton centre than Lewes.
Cheers and thanks in advance

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