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Photography Rules!

On 30 Oct 2012 at 6:03pm BonfireEnthiast wrote:
It is my understanding that there are no laws regarding getting stuck in the procession to take your pictures? however how do people who march feel about it? would I be hushed into the crowd?
On 30 Oct 2012 at 6:05pm BonfireEnthiast wrote:
This is about Bonfire night! just to clarify!
On 30 Oct 2012 at 6:16pm teaboy wrote:
If you are not a member in costume, or an official photographer then stay on the pavement or you'll be removed from the procession.
On 30 Oct 2012 at 6:18pm BonfireEnthiast wrote:
Teaboy is there a law regarding this? or is it just the way it works?
On 30 Oct 2012 at 6:25pm Bongo wrote:
If you are not a paid up member of a bonfire society, then you will NOT be able to walk in any of the procession. Doesn't matter if you just want to take photos - just keep out of the way, and enjoy the event as a spectator.
On 30 Oct 2012 at 6:29pm BonfireEnthiast wrote:
Right. im going to take my chances! need that perfect shot.
On 30 Oct 2012 at 6:46pm Oh Goody wrote:
BonfireEnthiast (sic) leaving aside that its half term so its a bit obvious you are a minor, please, please tell us where you are going to try this stunt so we can turn up for a good laugh. Here's a hint, you can get a fantastic view of the Cliffe procession by standing in the middle of of Cliffe bridge facing Bills, you utter Muppet.
On 30 Oct 2012 at 6:55pm teaboy wrote:
There's no 'law' about it, but I'd advise against 'taking your chances' in a group of people with torches and rookies who don't take kindly to intruders to processions. Over the years I've removed plenty of people from processions; some for just trying to cross the road, others for picking up torches and some for just stepping off the pavement and into the way. I've even helped move parked cars out of the way in the past!
From a technical point of view you won't get that 'perfect shot'. I'd be surprised if you know what shot you want, otherwise you wouldn't be asking stupid questions on here.
On 30 Oct 2012 at 7:03pm BBC wrote:
We were there one year and were given a very bumpy time , good luck ,
On 30 Oct 2012 at 7:04pm BonfireEnthiast wrote:
thanks for the advise. whats the worst that can happen eh?
On 30 Oct 2012 at 7:29pm der !! wrote:
Can't you tell this is a wind up lol ???!!! Chill out teaboy !!!
On 30 Oct 2012 at 7:30pm Southover Queen wrote:
Well, the worst that can happen is that you'll be seriously injured. The best that certainly will happen is that you'll be manhandled quite roughly out of the way for your own safety. You certainly won't get "your shot" - and as a keen photographer myself, there are a lot of reasons why you won't. One is that you won't be able to walk backwards fast enough, and if you stand still you'll simply be mown down. Before you're manhandled out of the way that is.

You can take fantastic pictures of the events just from the pavement. If you want to go one better, find yourself a private vantage point such as a house with a window overlooking the routes. You won't find one though, not at this stage and not without a very hefty palm-crossing exercise.
On 31 Oct 2012 at 12:26am Lovely Rita wrote:
Stupid Boy. Any fule kno that they will BURN YOU.
On 31 Oct 2012 at 1:10am Castle Gate wrote:
I am a newcomer. I first came here five years ago, and have been able to live here properly since eighteen months ago. My home, my family's home, is in the centre of Lewes, on a very fortunate balcony overlooking all the Bonfire processions.

This is part of what I believe and encourage others to believe.

The humanist and religious reasons for Bonfire, and the eternal spirit that infuses Bonfire, began before any person in living memory was known to us. Please walk to the martyrs' memorial overlooking Lewes and read the history that is written there.

Therefore, the rational justification for the remembrance that is at the heart of Bonfire is available to all upon the memorial, and through our libraries, and through the Internet to everyone, and need not be recited here.

Please purchase all seven Bonfire programmes, as Mrs. Gate and I do; pay your money for your chosen firesite ticket; read every history that is written (they are accurate and informative); walk to the martyrs' memorial: and please just watch, if you find it possible to be in the centre of Lewes on November 5th before the processions and other remembrances begin.
Southover Queen wrote about a "palm-crossing exercise". You may cross our palms for this reason, but I guarantee any precious metals which cross our doorstep will entirely be forwarded to charities approved by Bonfire societies.
On 31 Oct 2012 at 6:51pm BonfireEnthiast wrote:
Castle Gate. you may just be everything i hate about lewes.
A very simplistic and ignorant reply.
However that is all i have to say.
On 31 Oct 2012 at 7:32pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
BE, it is not unknown for cameras to meet with mishaps when unauthorised photographers are removed from the procession. I wouldn't even bother trying.
On 1 Nov 2012 at 6:23am mickyboy wrote:
the chinese have a few nice syaings, one is "Tomorrow will take care of tomorrow" the vast majority of the crowd will enjoy a wonderfull spectacle and the huge police presence, mainly to cop a bit of overtime, will sort out the odd muppet or two to try and justify the wage bill. meanwhile the bonfire societies will just peacefully go about their business as they happily have done for the century and a half, however the talk of the moment is numbers, not of visitors but of society members, it is looking that the numbers of some societies is seriously UP the unknown factor is, is this at the expense of other societies or are the lewes bonfire societies looking at an extremely high membership? the 5th will reveal all
On 1 Nov 2012 at 9:58am Slarty wrote:
CastleGate - Great reply.
Mickyboy - membership could be up die to the change in insurance requirements where now all visiting societies must insure themselves on the 5th. Some visiting societies have not (or cannot afford to) insure themselves, so their members are joining a Lewes society so they can still walk.
My guess is that there is likely to be similar numbers, just more in Lewes societies and less in visiting societies.
On 1 Nov 2012 at 8:42pm mickyboy wrote:
intresting info, I have not heard of this before. thanks

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