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Phoenix car park

On 22 Nov 2010 at 2:24pm Nosey Parker wrote:
The pay machine at the Phoenix Car Park is out of order. The parking enforcers have put a sign up saying you can pay at the machine in the Dorset Car Park. According to the rules of parking in those two car parks (and is clearly stated on the signs) tickets are not transferable between car parks. I know of several people who have innocently bought a ticket at the wrong machine and received a penalty charge for their troubles. The rules cannot be arbitrarily changed by the council or NCP (or whatever they're called now). You can park without a ticket in that car park, they cannot enforce the rules. If you have had a ticket in that car park then contest it, they will give a limp excuse about the warden not taking correct details and write it off. They are deliberately misleading the public into buying tickets and paying fines.
On 22 Nov 2010 at 2:33pm Hells Belle wrote:
You are absolutely right, I got a ticket, appealed with photographs of the contradicting signs and it was dropped with some flimsy excuse of the warden not taking enough details!
On 22 Nov 2010 at 2:46pm 'ere be monsters wrote:
Exactly what happened to someone else. They are ripping people off, and they know it.
On 22 Nov 2010 at 4:51pm invalid login wrote:
Yep same here.
Complained and it was dropped.

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