On 15 Feb 2016 at 1:28pm Me-mo wrote:
Just been into the Phoenix Centre to ask to use the toilet (i am 37 weeks pregnant) and was refused.
Regardless of if this is illegal or not (i'm not a legal person so i dont know) but morally who refuses a pregnant woman?
Do other business around Lewews think like this and refuse pregnant women?
On 15 Feb 2016 at 1:36pm leaf wrote:
Its annoying but if you were to slip and hurt yourself on there premises they would be worried you'd take action against them. sadly its the world we live in
On 15 Feb 2016 at 1:45pm Me-mo wrote:
Is it not a community centre though? As its used by groups such as Slimming World and (i think) day groups for elderly which would lead you to think that their insurance would cover public access?
On 15 Feb 2016 at 1:49pm mould wrote:
Indeed you are right, leaf. I have an idea for a mobile toilet/proper washroom facility that could be towed to places like where coaches unload, I hear Brighton is shutting 6 loos . I have the idea but not the finance - and I don't know if people would pay - maybe 50p at least ? You have to remember the original Spend a penny was a Victorian thing. How much in today's £ would a penny be worth?
On 15 Feb 2016 at 2:19pm Local wrote:
Is the Phoenix Centre in Malling Street, or is it Phoenix Causeway?? Any one know?
On 15 Feb 2016 at 2:58pm p.c wrote:
so why not walk 1min to the local dr. or 2min to the Dorset arms or 4 min to Tesco . also why you need to come on here
. is it so we all fill sorry for you
On 15 Feb 2016 at 3:04pm Me-mo wrote:
I dont expect anyone to feel sorry for me. Just wondered who morally turns away a heavily pregnant woman from something as simple as using a toilet.
Its not as if i was asking to pee in the persons handbag.
When your heavily pregnant its not always possible to walk an extra 5 minutes to get to a toilet when you have a baby pushing on your bladder.
Local it was the Phoenis Centre in Malling Street
On 15 Feb 2016 at 4:16pm Inconvenience wrote:
I think that's really a pretty sad indictment of the way things are heading. It's a typical Tory attitude of I'm alright Jack, you go piss somewhere else.
On 15 Feb 2016 at 5:01pm p c wrote:
so where did you go in the end. , I must say it would not a big deal to let some one use the loo
On 15 Feb 2016 at 5:25pm dr ? wrote:
Is that a Dr. ? I fill sorry for anyone caught short. If one made it to the doctor one then has to get past the receptionist.
On 15 Feb 2016 at 8:40pm Trevor wrote:
P.C. - full of human kindness.
On 15 Feb 2016 at 9:04pm Nancy Boyes wrote:
The loo in the doctors at River Lodge surgery has proved a life saver on many occasions in the early morning when the Dorset and the Gardeners have been shut and I couldn't have got to Tesco's in time.
On 15 Feb 2016 at 9:30pm Penis Centre wrote:
Not sure why you think that it might be illegal for somebody to not let you use their toilet just because you're pregnant. It's not very kind though, I agree. Most local business have toilets for customer use only but I'm sure that they would make an exception for a heavily pregnant woman.
On 16 Feb 2016 at 2:31pm bastian wrote:
at your present phase of confinement you are still entitled to pee in a policemans helmet.
On 16 Feb 2016 at 9:36pm pope wrote:
Me-mo, I personally think its very unsocial that the phoenix centre would not let you use the toilet. If its to do with health and safety then this world is going to pot. While we are on the subject of the Phoenix centre a friend of mine now goes up the centre ( name escapes me ) halfway up School Hill on the right. He says its cheaper and better than the Phoenix.
On 17 Feb 2016 at 9:26am Merlin Milner wrote:
Me-mo. What reason did they give?
On 17 Feb 2016 at 10:44am Me-mo wrote:
They just said i couldnt use it. No reason other than no public toilet facilities i assume