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Petrol Prices in Lewes

On 7 Jan 2013 at 6:12pm king cnut wrote:
Are being conned? for some time now petrol is 129 in Brighton and Uckfield, even the ever expensive Texaco on A27 is 133. Yet Esso and Tesco hold us to ransom at 133. And has anyone noticed that the Esso dial whizzess around before any of that expensive juice emerges?
On 7 Jan 2013 at 6:57pm rookie wrote:
Brighton Marina Asda always seems the cheapest
On 7 Jan 2013 at 9:46pm ofcourseweare wrote:
It's not in their interest to start a price war so they don't. If everyone went to Asda then our price would tumble. But we don't so they won't...
On 8 Jan 2013 at 3:02am Fairmeadow wrote:
Even little country garages in West Wales were charging 131.9 for unleaded last week. When the prices went up a few months back, the differential between Lewes & Eastbourne did drop for a while from the 3-4p per litre it has been for the last few years, but they are now back having as big a laugh at us as ever.
But then we keep buying from them, so why shouldn't they? The lttle garage in Ringmer is outcompeting them at the moment - why doesn't everyone use that, to teach them a lesson? If we can't be bothered, only ourselves to blame.
On 8 Jan 2013 at 8:23am Rookie wrote:
On my travels last night I notice that the BP station at Willingdon was 128.9 for unleaded. That's the cheapest I've seen for a while. The little independent filling station at Selmeston was 129.9.
On 9 Jan 2013 at 8:50pm wanderer wrote:
the extra pennys go into the brown envelopes that keep the wheels turning of our overpriced town...

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