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Pells pond

On 7 Feb 2010 at 9:10am Kingfisher wrote:
Walking through the Pells early yesterday morning in the lovely sunshine, i was delighted to see a massive shoal of baby silver fish (probably rudd ). When i say massive, i'm talking several thousand at least. There was also a few of the larger carp cruising around.
Just nice to see something's going right for a change.
On 7 Feb 2010 at 9:27am fruitfly wrote:
Was this in the Ouse whilst passing over Wiley's Bridge? I have seen a similar spectacle whilst crossing that bridge,thousands of big fish heading out to sea.
On 7 Feb 2010 at 9:43am Kingfisher wrote:
This was in the duckpond fruitfly. The fish you've seen in the ouse are probably mullet.
On 7 Feb 2010 at 11:11am Sam Spam wrote:
the little fish probably like all the fresh water that's whizzing through the pond at the moment as the wetland dries out, there's a heck of a flow over the weir at the river-end!...even the ducks seem to get carried along!
On 7 Feb 2010 at 5:29pm TDA wrote:
I bet the carp are getting larger by the minute...

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