On 29 Apr 2009 at 6:28pm Bill Oddie wrote:
The pond looks good at the moment with lots of ducklings and moorhen chicks. There's a pair of Call ducks there with some tiny yellow ducklings. This type of duck was bred from Mallard stock and was originally used to "call" in the wild ducks at shoots. Smaller than the wild mallard (so lighter to carry) the pair on the pond are very handsome. The drake has a glossy jet black head and chestnut breast.
On 29 Apr 2009 at 9:06pm Hedwig wrote:
aww...I must go down there soon to feed them. Haven't been for while
On 29 Apr 2009 at 9:14pm cato wrote:
Have taken my own and other peoples children to feed the ducks,many times over many years.The delight on the childrens faces is wonderful to see.An outing, combined with a swim or the park, cannot be beaton.Simple pleasures in beautiful surroundings.
On 29 Apr 2009 at 10:08pm Sam spam wrote:
The only fly in the ointment is the pair of swans that are kicking about in the pond and water-meadow as they have a reputation of killing ducklings.... it's hope these pair are "nice" and all the little birdies live!
On 30 Apr 2009 at 1:24am Beijing Special Offer wrote:
Locally sourced fresh ducklings with pineapple. See 'Takeaway Menus' section above for details.
On 30 Apr 2009 at 1:27am Crippen Shippam Manson Lecter wrote:
I like to take children to feed the ducks too - the delight on their faces is errh delightful- if short-lived
On 30 Apr 2009 at 9:33am Dr SPOCK wrote:
Get help weirdo
On 30 Apr 2009 at 10:17am Ed Can Do wrote:
I was down there the other weekend but by the time we arrived (4ish) the ducks seemed fairly uninterested in bread. I imagine they'd been fed pretty much constantly all day and were all breaded out.
I do wish people wouldn't walk their dogs round the back of the pond though or if they must, keep them on the lead and try to stop them barking constantly.
On 30 Apr 2009 at 10:38am Wilhelm wrote:
Ve have laws against feeding ducks.
On 30 Apr 2009 at 10:57am adolf wrote:
Wilhelm, just roast them and serve with a little jus!
On 30 Apr 2009 at 11:35am Odd Billie wrote:
Curiously - ducks can't digest bread so it all comes out as poo, sinks to the bottom and acts as a nutrient, which why we have such bad problems with green algae every year.
Don't forget to cover the children's eyes during the Gang-Mating season.
Ed - get a life!
On 30 Apr 2009 at 11:59am Pells fisherman wrote:
The uneaten bread gets munched by the many carp, roach and rudd that are swimming aroundin the pells....the "NUTRIENT" comes from fish and duck waste which contains nitrites, nitrates andphosphates, which plants....including algea, thirve on. Luckily, carp will eat blanket weed if hungry enough which is why there's never in the pond, however, green water is usually caused by excessive sunlight or daylight (which is why our ponds turn green in the spring as we get longer days and more intense sun).
Get the balance right between water, plants, fish and ducks and you'll have a thriving pond....which it isn't far off !!!
On 30 Apr 2009 at 12:41pm Ed Can Do wrote:
Well excuse me for not wanting a quiet stroll by the pond feeding the ducks to be interupted by a yappy dog running around like it's never been out of the house before.
We're not exactly short of massive open areas for people to exercise their mutts round here, I don't think it's too much to ask that they be kept on the lead where people are enjoying the local wildlife is it?
On 30 Apr 2009 at 5:24pm Bill Oddie wrote:
Sad to report the Call ducklings are down to 3 from 5 yesterday. Some more moorhen chicks have hatched. Faces only a mother could love.