On 14 Jul 2017 at 1:44pm Xplorer2 wrote:
After corresponding with LDC's Public Health team about the duration and volume of music at the Pells Pool Party this year, I today received a letter from them, reading as follows:
Lewes District Council
Southover House
Southover Road
Lewes BN7 1AB
01273 471600
Date: 13 July 2017
"Environmental Protection Act 1990
Complaint of noise nuisance at Pells Pool live music performance.
Further to my letter of 5th July, I am writing to inform you that I have asked the event organiser to amend their event management plan to improve the way in which noise levels are managed so that they are able to demonstrate compliance with the relevant guidance.
There will also be an improvement in the way the organiser communicates with the Council in the build-up to future events.
Yours sincerely
Senior Environmental Health Technician
Public Health Team"
On 14 Jul 2017 at 2:08pm Feline wrote:
They need to reduce the maximum decibel level allowed. I was told it was 120. Much too high for such a small outside venue.
On 14 Jul 2017 at 2:32pm Bob from Plumpton wrote:
LDC don't have a good track record of policing such events. On several occasions this summer, a number of evening events (weddings, proms etc.) on the racecourse have created excessive noise sometimes beyond midnight which was in breach of their licence.
On 14 Jul 2017 at 3:11pm Feline wrote:
LDC don't have a good reputation for very much in my experience. Hopeless planning and environmental health enforcement. They are a lazy council.
On 14 Jul 2017 at 3:21pm Can't hear myself think. wrote:
Last time I tried to call LDC about excessively loud music from a party in the neighbourhood one weekend last year all I got was a "Sorry the office is closed, please call back in office hours"-type answerphone message, meaning there was no way to get one of their inspectors out to witness/assess the problem.
So, how in heck are LDC ever going to get a grip on noise complaint issues if they haven't got anyone "on call" at unsocial hours! I hardly think the already over-stretched Police should be called out to an overly noisy party (unless it turns aggressive/violent etc), and I assume it would have ranked low on their priority list if I had called them.
While a one-off noisy event is one thing, and most residents/neighbours would probably not complain quickly, there comes a point that even the more tolerant neighbours feel the noise level is simply too loud, and/or is going on too late to be acceptable - thats a job for LDC's Environmental Health officers, not the plods (unless LDC feel they need to call in Plods as back up from the start).
On 14 Jul 2017 at 3:33pm Slade wrote:
Cum On Feel the NOIZE is simply too loud./and or we don't care.
On 14 Jul 2017 at 6:33pm Number 11 wrote:
Miserable B'stards.
On 14 Jul 2017 at 6:44pm Number 6 wrote:
Who is number 1 ?
On 14 Jul 2017 at 8:21pm Sussex Jim wrote:
"Number One" was a hit for the Tremeloes in November 1969.
On 14 Jul 2017 at 8:29pm That's all folks wrote:
Don't worry once the takeover of LDC by Eastbourne Borough Council has been completed (Jan next year) things will get a whole lot worse
On 15 Jul 2017 at 1:10pm An event organiser wrote:
If you want to all stump up more council tax I'm sure the few council staff would be happy to work evenings and weekends as you require EMP's are done for most events and go through due process , I received a noise complaint at 7.30 pm and 8.10 pm which is odd as we didn't start till 8pm , council visited the site spoke to sound guy to find we we well whitin the guide lines , moan fons sake sometimes ,
On 15 Jul 2017 at 1:11pm Aeo wrote:
*moans for moans sake
On 15 Jul 2017 at 4:42pm Fun guy wrote:
Xplorer 2. Get a life. Stop wasting the council time. Bloody boring listen to everyone moan all the time. Sad pathetic people.
On 16 Jul 2017 at 1:10am Funghi wrote:
I never understand people moaning about people moaning.
On 16 Jul 2017 at 10:11am Fungi wrote:
My Celium thrives on discontent.
On 16 Jul 2017 at 10:55am shabba wrote:
A word of caution. If I remember correctly, noise complaints are registered against your property and show up in property searches during sales. So if you complain a lot then try to sell your house, any buyer will see that you have regular noise problems in the area.
Just something to think about. I mean, if it's a genuine problem it's worth getting fixed to stop it ruining your life but people who make over the top claims to get their way end up worse off.
On 16 Jul 2017 at 11:04am Peaceful Resident wrote:
As a family we have now bought off of Amazon a Digital Sound Noise Level Meter 30-130 dB Noise Monitor Decibel Pressure. My wife and I are elderly and made very fearful by music and parties because they spark aggressive trouble. We WILL be listening out and we WILL be complaining straight away to the POLICE, with facts and our measurements, for all parties we hear in the future. All my complaints will be taken to the highest levels .You MUST stop people coming to your party or hold parties indoors and as far away from peaceful residents as possible. Let this now be the END of this kind of rudeness.
On 16 Jul 2017 at 1:43pm Are you for rreal wrote:
@PR police won't be interested in noise issues so you will be wasting your time it's the council you need to send your data to , hope that's helpful ,
On 16 Jul 2017 at 2:10pm acoustician wrote:
Peasceful Resident: That's a very sensible and constructive approach, but I think you will find the sound levels you measure to be far lower than you are expecting
On 16 Jul 2017 at 9:59pm Soundman wrote:
Whats the DB level on Bonfire Night ?
On 17 Jul 2017 at 6:59am Peasce Taker wrote:
Illiterate Loons ( possibly swivel eyed)