On 6 Apr 2010 at 10:13am Windows wrote:
Hands up if you got a parking ticket yesterday?
On 6 Apr 2010 at 11:17am Leggy wrote:
There is no-one who lives in Lewes who isn't within walking distance of the town centre. Driving into town is pure laziness...
Exceptions are elderly and disabled...everyone else should get off their arses
On 6 Apr 2010 at 11:50am Happy Shopper wrote:
That is utter cr@p Leggy. There are many reasons why it can be necessary to drive into town. For instance, I had to buy a bag of cement recently. I am not elderly or disabled, but I soon would have been if I had tried to carry that from Chandlers up to the Nevill. Does that make me lazy ? How do you get stuff from the shops to your house ?
On 6 Apr 2010 at 1:12pm Propa Parker wrote:
Park legally and buy a ticket. No other option. How thick do you have to be to not realise this?
On 6 Apr 2010 at 2:45pm Windows wrote:
PP you're completely wrong.
Leggy you're very wrong!
I was parked outside my house which is miles from the town centre. I brought a ticket from the same machine I buy from all the time, yet the warden issued a ticket as he said its parked in the wrong bay. Yet I have never had this problem before.
Oh by the way Leggy I did drive into town over the weekend, but only so my elderly mother could go shopping.
On 6 Apr 2010 at 2:52pm Leggy wrote:
Windows...where in Lewes do you live that is MILES from the town centre????????
On 6 Apr 2010 at 3:18pm supporter wrote:
yes do tell Windows.
On 6 Apr 2010 at 3:49pm 'ere be monsters wrote:
HS. You don't have to pay to park in Chandlers anyway.
Windows, did you get this ticket miles away this weekend. I only ask because a friend of mine got a ticket in a space that she's parked in loads of times and got a ticket from the same machine. This weekend she got a ticket because she was in a residents bay. Have they changed pay to park bays into residents bays?
On 6 Apr 2010 at 4:03pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Some of us like to stop and get our shopping on the way through town on the way back from places that ARE too far away to walk to, Leggy, rather than go home, park and walk back into town and back home again. Is that acceptable?
And how long does a walk have to take to become long enough for it to be ok to take the car instead?
On 6 Apr 2010 at 4:13pm Rookie wrote:
One place to be careful is Harveys Way car par park. Only use the machines actually IN the cark park. If you step over the 12 inch high wall and use the machine on the pavement in Harveys Way the tickets are NOT valid in the car park and you will be ticketed.
On 6 Apr 2010 at 4:15pm Rookie wrote:
and does anyone on here know where I can get typing lessons?
On 6 Apr 2010 at 4:25pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I've been caught out by using the machine in Southover Road at the foot of Watergate Lane, rather than the one further along Southover Road. A bloody blue meanie saw me get the ticket from the wrong machine and stick it on my car, too! I got that one overturned on appeal though.
I noticed somewhere recently (it might have been Lansdowne Place) that the sign saying it's permit holders only was so high up the wall I was really struggling to read it. As I craned my head back, I found I was looking through the bottom of my varifocals and the sign got more blurred. I've also parked illegally in residents' bays by the Pells, as the sign was concealed in an overgrown bush (fnarr, fnarr).
It's easy to say "park legally and buy a ticket", but it's not always a simple matter.
On 6 Apr 2010 at 6:05pm Zoom wrote:
You all have my sympathy...me I ride a motorbike. I can park anywhere there is a bay for nowt. Only proviso is that it's parked tail into the kerb so it only takes up a small space. Now one thing that does hack me off are the morons who park in the bike only bay outside Martins. It means I have to park at least 5 metres further away and WALK Grrrr!!
On 6 Apr 2010 at 6:24pm James Hunt wrote:
If you got a ticket for being stupid, half of you lot would be weighed down by them. I don't think of myself as the perfect road user, but Jesus H Christ, it doesn't take much to look at the signs. Thats what they are there for. I've never had a parking ticket. Just used a bit of savvy. If you get a parking ticket, think of it as idiot tax, as thats what it is.
On 6 Apr 2010 at 7:01pm Rookie wrote:
Quite Zoom. I have a scooter and it's brill around town unless you are buying bags of cement. It will take a couple of bags of shopping though. There are parking bays everywhere and even the station car park is free. 120mpg and £15 road tax.
On 6 Apr 2010 at 7:21pm Clifford wrote:
James Hunt? you died in 1993 - that's why you've never had a ticket in Lewes.
On 7 Apr 2010 at 9:27am Windows wrote:
seems quite alot of people only come on here to insult strangers without fear of a reprisal.
James Hunt - you're lucky you are already dead! Please remain that way.
On 7 Apr 2010 at 9:45am Very Leggy wrote:
Not many people need to buy cement !!!
and yes you may need a car to buy the weekly shop at Tesco....but the majority of people I see in town are not carry huge bags of stuff and could easily do with the walking exercise given the size of some of them....
On 7 Apr 2010 at 12:05pm Happy Shopper wrote:
Yes Leggy, the cement was just a 'for instance'. You have come up with another one - the weekly shop - does that make you lazy?. Furthermore, have you ever thought that the seemingly 'unladen' shoppers in the town might have already put some stuff in their cars to save carrying it around all the shops all morning? It would be interesting to know where you live though. How often do you walk from, say, Houndean Rise down to Homebase and back?, or from Mill Road to the Leisure centre and back? Not very often I don't suppose, because it's a long way.
And Ere be Monsters, I know you don't have to pay to park at Chandlers, but the point I was making was that walking into town is not always as easy as Leggy makes out, and driving does not mean you are lazy.
On 7 Apr 2010 at 12:59pm Leggy Leggy wrote:
Ok oK ok ok....yes sometimes you need a car to go into town....my point is that most people are generally quite lazy and will drive into town when all they need is a e.g some lightbulbs...
Live up Old Malling. Very very very rarely park in town, maybe 3-4 times a year....
On 7 Apr 2010 at 2:31pm 'ere be monsters wrote:
You did get my point then Happy