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Parking scheme

On 15 Nov 2011 at 11:42pm Driver wrote:
Seems like no major changes or extensions to the Lewes scheme will result from the consultation; mainly 9-5pm hours...
On 16 Nov 2011 at 8:29am DFL wrote:
And your information is from ?
On 16 Nov 2011 at 8:49am Cllr Ashley Price wrote:
FAO: DFL - What Driver says is true. You can see the official ESCC report at the following link

Check it out here »
On 16 Nov 2011 at 8:50am Cllr Ashley Price wrote:
For some reason it didn't put the link. Try again...

Check it out here »
On 16 Nov 2011 at 8:51am Cllr Ashley Price wrote:
It seems to have put it now. The link takes you to a PDF report from ESCC.
On 16 Nov 2011 at 11:47am Driver wrote:
See, DFL!! Oh ye of little faith...
On 16 Nov 2011 at 11:53am DFL wrote:
Thanks Driver, I never doubted you for a moment.....
On 16 Nov 2011 at 12:27pm Cllr Ashley Price wrote:
As people get fed up with me putting links to my blog - where I have put all the main points about the review - just the basics here:
Nevill, Winterbourne & Malling are NOT going to be included in the scheme.
Removal of parking charges on Bank Holidays (subject to Lewes District Council similarly removing charges from car parks).
Times will be standardised to 9am-5pm.
The following will have double yellow lines: Barn Hatch Close, Lewes; Montacute Road, Lewes; Bell Lane, Lewes
On 16 Nov 2011 at 12:36pm Ed Can Do wrote:
Also, NSL are running the scheme at a breakeven point but get a bonus of up to £10,000 each month if they meet certain criteria. Sadly, only two of those criteria involve handing out legal tickets and their staff not being obnoxious and the rest are all about having wardens out for long enough each day, answering the phone quickly, sending reply letters within ten days of getting one themselves, fixing broken meters, correctly handling bay suspensions and other largely administrative functions, i.e. they don't actually have to worry about customer service still so long as they sort out their filing system.

I'm looking forward to ESCC completely ignoring these recommendations and going ahead with extentions to the scheme anyway though. Also heaven forbid that which ever monkey came up with the ludicrous extention plans is publically censured for their obvious incompetence and for costing the public so much money in consultation fees. Surely one of the many council bods who post here must know whose idea it was to start with?
On 16 Nov 2011 at 3:41pm Paul Newman wrote:
Quiet a good article from Simon Jenkins today about why Councils soak drivers. ,the revenue from fines can be surprisingly large .Ed Can Do is depressingly right, the pretence of consultation only adds insult to injury. Its absolutely hilarious that after the whole farce has been on tour for years and they still think the audience doesn't know how it ends. Pssst ... they get the money.
The best way to treat it is as a tax rise, pure and simple and treat those who imposed it accordingly at the next opportunity.
On 16 Nov 2011 at 9:10pm The Crimson Avenger wrote:
If you get a Penalty Charge Notice, checkout the advice at 'Fightback Forums'...

Check it out here »
On 16 Nov 2011 at 9:11pm The Crimson Avenger wrote:
Link didn't work...
On 16 Nov 2011 at 9:34pm Matt Kent wrote:
So what happens next?
â?¢ 15th December 2011 - Recommendations from parking reviews will be considered for approval at ETE Lead Member meeting (ESCC)
â?¢ January/February 2012 - Traffic Regulation Orders advertised
â?¢ March/April 2012 â?? Objections considered by Planning Committee
â?¢ May/June 2012 â?? Changes implemented
So, more pressure needs to occur from residents over the coming months to ensure the consultation recommendations, of no expansion of CPZ's in Lewes, are not ignored. Cheers - Matt
On 17 Nov 2011 at 8:12am stevied wrote:
Oldest trick in the book - take something unpoplular, propose to make it even more unpopular and put the changes out to 'consultation', due to public outcry the changes don't go ahead, the public think they've won - but the original scheme carries on as before. Sigh...
On 17 Nov 2011 at 5:46pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
When I was at the county council, we used to call that type of consultation "Would you like us to shut your library?". The other variant goes: decide to do something everyone will hate, consult on that alongside loads of other things people will hate even more, then you get away with doing what you wanted to start with.

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