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Parking permits

On 4 Jul 2019 at 1:53pm Dave wrote:
Am I the only one who finds the process of buying parking permits it incredibly inconvenient not to mention bizarre?
Apparently now if you can’t figure out how to do it online (which I can’t) then you have to book an appointment to get them from the library on a Friday. It’s booked up this week btw.

Although there is a secret customer services number you can call to get them over the phone if you really push it.
Call them on 01273 335500
On 4 Jul 2019 at 2:11pm Hyena wrote:
It’s cost cutting dressed up as efficiency.
On 4 Jul 2019 at 2:33pm JillG wrote:
The old system for visitor permits can't have been much more expensive, particularly as it takes up much more of the poor library staff's time now. It seems to have been the dreamchild of some starry-eyed consultant who completely failed to understand the operation of visitor permits and tried to get us to switch to online permits, which absolutely don't work: an emergency plumber waiting while you spend 20 minutes trying to access the Council website and record his car reg no.? We very often don't know the visitor's reg no. in advance. They are still letting us buy the very handy hard-copy permits, but now laboriously by buying them online (VERY difficult) and taking up masses of the library's staff time. Sigh..........
On 4 Jul 2019 at 5:25pm Bert wrote:
One of the most expensive council taxes in the land, and they can't even get the basics right !! Who votes these muppets in. - - Oh yes, you do !! They are a disgrace and I told them in May !

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Snowdrop Stairs

I just wanted to find out some information regarding fishing in Pells pond. I have been made aware that you need to get a ticket... more
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