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Parking on Bonfire night

On 29 Oct 2011 at 12:09pm Burlington Berty wrote:
I am interested in travelling to Lewes on the "glorious 5th" to join in with your bonfire celebrations. I am concerned about parking though as I don't like to walk to far. I have been told that parking restrictions in Lewes are relatively light and that, for the most part, the double yellow lines are advisory and rarely enforced. This being the case, I am keen to park by the war memorial. Is anyone willing to save a space for me? I should be in Lewes around 8pm, give or take.
On 29 Oct 2011 at 12:21pm Private Party wrote:
My gran is a better troll than you and she's been dead for 12 years.
On 29 Oct 2011 at 5:17pm commander wrote:
Haha unbelieveable! stay away from lewes you halfwit, you obviously don't understand or know anything about it so keep away please.
On 29 Oct 2011 at 11:47pm LewesSigner wrote:
This HAS to be a wind up...made me chuckle if it was or not!
On 30 Oct 2011 at 1:32am AYATOLLAH HOGMANNY wrote:
Let her park at the Memorial, as long as she arrives before 5pm.Let her return to her blown up, burntout wreck at the end of the evening, thats if some friendly traffic warden doesn't get it towed away first, and she has to pay a fortune to get it back! I could do with a laugh!!!!!
On 30 Oct 2011 at 8:01am The Greek wrote:
this is brilliant
On 30 Oct 2011 at 5:07pm Decent Citizen wrote:
This made me laugh, wind-up or not.
Burlington Berty,
Don"t get shirty,
but to park on School Hill,
you are sure to get hurty,
On 1 Nov 2011 at 6:45pm Rocket Man wrote:
Burlington Berty seeks succour
By coming where bonfire is pukka
She will not get towed
If she parks in the road
But she will get blown up - that'll f...
(flippin' well serve her right. Ed.)

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