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Parking near South Malling School

On 22 Sep 2016 at 9:53am ALS wrote:
Despite me complaining to a councillor about a certain window cleaner parking his numerous vans across pavements. Nothing has changed and he still does it every day. Now the schools are back the selfish parents of children at Malling are also parking on pavements and grass verges ruining it for the residents. No wonder so many of kids (and parents) today are fat, their lazy parents have to park right outside the school whatever..
On 22 Sep 2016 at 10:44am Mills wrote:
I live there and it's so sad, the grass is ruined again. But, yes, look at the people doing it, so sad.
On 22 Sep 2016 at 12:11pm Billybob wrote:
Too many big fat, blobby, lard, rases around. Why walk or cycle when you can use a car? Why do exercise when you can sit on backside all day? Why eat healthy food when you can gorge on doughnuts, chips, burgers, fried chicken and pizza?
On 22 Sep 2016 at 12:41pm Lettuce wrote:
It's really depressing the number of fat mums (and dads) who wobble up to the school from as close as possible to collect their soon to be obese kids
On 22 Sep 2016 at 1:29pm Mills wrote:
Should be quite easy to make healthy food for your kids and also do exercise! I eat super foods and love a bit of running! Hope others will see the benefits too.
On 22 Sep 2016 at 2:15pm Sal wrote:
What gets me is the mums that turn up at 2pm (in their cars) and sit there smoking for an hour. One of them said once that she didn't what to do with herself all day. A job perhaps?
On 22 Sep 2016 at 4:47pm Hmm wrote:
You assume she is unemployed, she might be a house wife.
On 22 Sep 2016 at 9:15pm Tipex wrote:
Really? The majority of these parents are fat inconsiderate blobs who feed their kids lard? Or are they actually a minority who are trying to get by? I'm kinda surprised you didn't notice the big school near your home before buying it. A lot of you sound like those people who buy a house near Gatwick then moan about the noise.
On 22 Sep 2016 at 9:29pm Als wrote:
It's got worse only in last year or so and where in lewes is NOT near a school???
On 22 Sep 2016 at 10:39pm Will Elliott wrote:
As your councillor I did get a response from Highways about this issue. Unfortunately parking on verges isn't an offence so there is little that can be done to stop it. I did write to the firm involved with a specific vehicle asking for more consideration but didn't receive a response. If you see a vehicle parked dangerously then please report it to the police on 101 or use Operation Crackdown by sending a photo that will be followed up by the police. Sorry I couldn't do more. I will be organising a public meeting to discuss community based solutions to parking, especially around the Police HQ, soon. I'll keep you posted when I have a firm date and location for this.
On 23 Sep 2016 at 7:36am Rosalyn St Pierre wrote:
Parking on pavements was on the agenda of the Parking Board yesterday attended by LDC and me South Malling ESSC councillor. Malling is not the only area of Lewes to be blighted and as a result the parking officers are asked to be more vigilant. As for lonely mums, I will write to the school parents group to see if they can help her and others and to encourage more walking.
On 25 Sep 2016 at 8:28am Queenie wrote:
Will Elliott, the company you are talking about do not just park on the verges, they park over the pavement. Sometimes overnight. It was parked on the pavement the other day despite there being nothing parked opposite in the street! They have destroyed the verges and damaging the pavements. They fill up the tanks with the hose across the pavements. They are a royal pain in the backside.

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