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Parking meters - the net closes in

On 10 Feb 2007 at 10:12pm Guido Parks wrote:
So they found DNA on a Coke can next to a parking meter that had been blown up. That's pretty conclusive then isn't it!!
Its an open and shut case! The perp must be shaking in his boots, how will he ever get out of this one?
I know, tell them you didn't do it, tell them you left the can there the day before tell them you were in bed asleep at the time.
Next time though go for a can of Sprite or Lilt then they won't detect a pattern running through these heinous crimes.
Got to go now and leave a few 'clues' although there will proabably be enough of those lying outside the Charky tonight to convict half the youth of Lewes.
On 12 Feb 2007 at 10:08am I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:

Confess I'm also lost as to how they conclude a discarded coke can = parking meter alterer.
It seems that they are running out of ways to squander hard earned tax payers money.
How do they know that these scallywags aren't tea total? ?? ???
A case for Sherlock Holmes maybe?
I reckon if they DNA every discarded ciggy butt they may well find someone who hasn't paid his TV license.
If they are really looking for criminals they could to worse than look amongst themselves.
On 30 Mar 2007 at 2:27pm james giles wrote:
If they find some a tin of half eaten baked beans that will really confuse them.
In Friars walk the bay width is the legal min for exception circumstances which is often narrower than a normal car width hence yur outside the bay.
Also in a few places the bay width is narrower than the legal min which if you dispute a parking ticket for parking outsie the bay they will drop the parking ticket.

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