On 27 Jul 2017 at 9:02pm Amanda 1989 wrote:
Is anyone else still being harassed about parking charges from outside laura ashley!? They are still going on since 3/3/2016!
On 27 Jul 2017 at 9:44pm Bang wrote:
Amanda this is how it will go
1 like me you parked illegally received a ticket and ignored it
2.like me you also have ignored letters from south coast parking after advice from people on here
3.you will receive a letter from mil collections saying pay or county court within 7 days
4 14 days later a county court judgement will drop through your letter box thus knackering your credit file
It cost me 170.00 to sort it out and get it removed so my advice is pay it asap save this happening to you
On 28 Jul 2017 at 9:50am Penguin wrote:
Or, you could have just done what I did and appealed through POPLA, who ruled that the charge was unfair, and that was the end of it.
On 28 Jul 2017 at 9:56am Deja Vu wrote:
I can't agree with Bang more...
It's not a "fine" it's a "charge", you've parked on private property, they've sent you an invoice for doing so.
It comes down to whether you have or haven't legally entered into a contract.
What you should have done was take action at the time, check the signs on the way in, check the signs on the wall by the parking spaces, they either legally conformed (in which case you have entered into a contract) or not.
But you had a certain amount of time to contest it, if you didn't you've lost by default.
They do have the power to take a civil action against you, once that has happened they can give the debt to bailiff's who will increase the charges for attending and make your life miserable.
If you're particularly pedantic you might enjoy this experience (other than ruining your credit file there is not a lot they can ultimately do - don't park your car near home or they can take that), but the average person won't...
Pay the invoice before it escalates too much.
On 28 Jul 2017 at 11:57am Driver wrote:
If you get a County Court summons (for anything) you can elect to have the case transferred to your local court, and attend to argue the case. If you lose, you will only have to pay the amount contested, plus the Court fee (typically 10%) The other side cannot claim any attendance expenses or legal fees. Bailiffs cannot pursue the debt unless the CC awards judgement against you, and you do not pay up within a time limit.
On 30 Jul 2017 at 10:19am fatbob wrote:
Try having read of the advice (and even post your circumstances) on the parking forum within Consumer Action Group website.
On 25 Jan 2018 at 8:46am Pc456 wrote:
I got a ticket for parking in the permit only bays without a permit. I found the signs confusing as neither of the P signs refers to permits AND the Brc (?) (permit) bays. One refers to the permit only bays but doesn't say where it's referring to and the other only refers to the pay and display bays. The writing on the ground also only refers to pay and display parking. I accepted the risk of the higher charge and appealed via the popla site which is extremely user friendly and won the appeal on the basis that ops hadn't provided evidence that I had no permit. The signage IS confusing in my opinion and there is no grace period either which I believe is contrary to the bpa regs.
On 6 Feb 2018 at 7:30pm Lesh wrote:
Just to let all know that crazy muddle is still active on the eight parking bays opposite Laura Ashley in Eastgate Wharf. Due to adjacent car park works I parked with two wheels on the edge of the first bay one dark deserted Sunday evening for literally five minutes waiting for my daughter to finish work, not dreaming the camera was on me. They demanded £100, reduced to £60 for early payment.
Like PC456, POPLA (the independent appeals body) rejected the charge on the grounds that the car park company had not provided evidence that a permit was not displayed. They produced scores of other photos but the technology cannot replace a human at this stage.
The parking company seems to be badly managed. They seem to hope that most people pay up and don’t seem to mind wasting POPLA’s time for the few that appeal. Their signs and paperwork are inconsistent and often inaccurate. They even passed the case to a debt collection agency which added another £72 to the potential bill whilst the POPLA appeal period was open, which is unforgiveable.
So if they pursue you on the basis that no permit was on display and show no evidence of this then it appears an appeal to POPLA will succeed.
This is not written to encourage people to take up parking bays but if you are waiting briefly particularly at quiet times I don't see why you should be subjected to this sort of extortion.
The land is owned by Debenham Property Trust and leased to One Parking Solution Ltd, who then seem to contract themselves to run the parking operation. Oddly, the contract also states that no charge notice will be issued if the engine is running and the driver present – for up to 15 minutes!
What a shambles…
On 3 Sep 2019 at 6:07pm Sand 26 wrote:
Hi Lesh, I've been prepping my witness statement to hand in to the court tomorrow for a very similar scenario as yours. It appears that the copy of the contract they have sent me in their evidence bundle says something very different to yours - I wonder if they've blanked that bit out. If you pick this up I'd love to get a copy of the contract with debenhams that they sent you. I'll be in court in about 3 weeks time.
On 16 Sep 2019 at 4:10pm Peter Parker wrote:
If you go to court and lose, you will have to pay the original £100 PCN, the court fee of £25, the hearing fee of £25, and the solicitors fee of £50.
OPS will also try to add the debt collector fee of £60 and 8% interest, unless you point out to the judge that this is an Abuse of Process.
Quote claim number F0DP201T, District Judge Taylor, Southampton Court, 10th June 2019. This claim was struck out as an abuse of process.
Check it out here »
On 18 Sep 2019 at 11:55am Sand 26 wrote:
Thank you - much appreciated.
On 4 Dec 2019 at 11:45am grivelvis wrote:
I'm about to go to court on same issue - sat in car for 2 mins waiting for partner. Be very interested to get hold of the contract you refer to. How did you obtain it?
On 12 Jan 2020 at 9:37am Peter Parker wrote:
One Parking Solution should include a copy of a contract in their witness statement. This is a contract with themselves, not the contract with the landowner, Debenhams Property Trust. It would be interesting to see the landowner contract, if anyone has a copy.
On 12 Jan 2020 at 9:47am Peter Parker wrote:
See photo
On 19 Jan 2020 at 11:53pm Albert Einstein wrote:
Interesting information. This company make an absolute fortune from the misfortune of others. I say misfortune because One Parking Solutions and others like them are duplicitous in their dealings and try every which way to trick and catch people out. They fly on the very edge of what is legal. Still trying to figure out how it is allowed in law, but hopefully the latest round of Government debates will see them off for good. These OPS guys have already morphed from Clamping Company to Parking Company.
On 6 May 2020 at 12:54pm Albert Einstein wrote:
If you have been caught by entrapment scammers at Eastgate Wharf, please do read my recent Judgment where I, with the significant assistance from experts on MSE Forum, won my case. My case was won on several points, including inadequate signage at Eastgate Wharf, 'bizarre' contract with the landowners, OPS tried to intimidate me by issuing a charge of up to £845 for stopping (but not parking) my car. The Judge in my case has 'invited' the BPA to investigate OPS for breach of the minimum rules which were applicable in 2019 - 10 minutes. OPS produced in court the new Jan 2020 5 minute grace period, when that did not apply to me. If you read the Judgment you will see that by 1st June no less than four companies are 'invited' to produce information to the court. We shall see. Do not be bullied, intimidated or scammed. Do read my Judgment on the link below.
Check it out here »