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Parking attendants

On 30 Nov 2005 at 5:36pm Gary wrote:
Are they in liasons with the devil?
On 30 Nov 2005 at 6:03pm mick wrote:
No, they help to stop morons parking where they want when they want with no consideration to anyone else.
Anything that stops people parking in disabled bays, on the pavement, in motorcycle only bays, double yellow lines etc is alright with me.
We should follow Brighton's lead and tow the selfish t**sers cars away.
On 1 Dec 2005 at 12:22pm parking man wrote:
hello mick, have you been fired from work, or are you coming back
On 4 Dec 2005 at 7:00pm Frank Bough wrote:
But they don't stop that woman parking every day for the last 14 months in the disabled bay in Cliffe High Street... she works nearby in a shop I beleive... no sign of any disablity as far as I can see..... cheeky bint. Yes that silvery blue car.
On 4 Dec 2005 at 7:56pm parking man wrote:
kind sir, i think you are mistaken, their are no disabled bays in cliffe high street. their are pay and display bays and loading bays and restrected streets but no disabled bay, on cliffe high street its self. do you mean on morris road, or cliffe high street car park, or south street north car park.
On 4 Dec 2005 at 9:12pm mick wrote:
See Frankie boy all that time in those dark dungeons must have affected your eye sight.
On 30 Jan 2006 at 3:50pm grumpy trader wrote:
parking man you are showing your lack of local knowledge again the bay is outside forfars and has been for a long time but dont supose thats on your maps is it !!! there should be someone in charge of the parking shop with local knowledge not some jock who knows nowt

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