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Parking @ Castle - scratches on car

On 16 Jul 2009 at 12:00pm annoyed.com wrote:
Have you parked at the castle in those couple of free spaces by the bollards? Have you come back to find a long scratch along the side of your car? If so, you have been the victim of an idiot on a push bike. This bloke cycles along the Offham Rd into Lewes past the bollards. I watched him today deliberately squeeze through the gap between the 2 cars and make his bike scratch the paintwork as he couldn't get through.
I don't know about you, but that's vadalism in my world.
He cycles through around 9am on weekdays. Older bloke, grey hair and closely clipped beard. Mountain bike. He then cycles past the Barbican and down in the Grange direction.
On 16 Jul 2009 at 12:22pm Ed Can Do wrote:
Do you mean the bollards by the entrance to the car park by the bowling green? I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to park there actually, it's an access point for fire engines isn't it? Not that that's an excuse for someone to damage your car but some would say that if you park where you're not supposed to then you can't really complain if something does happen to your car (Assuming I'm right about not parking there of course, you certainly never used to be able to park there).
On 16 Jul 2009 at 12:22pm bonfirek wrote:
Take a photo of him and post it on here!
On 16 Jul 2009 at 12:34pm Carbon Neutral wrote:
Cars are bad
On 16 Jul 2009 at 1:24pm Informer wrote:
I hope you reported it to the police
On 16 Jul 2009 at 1:37pm annoyed.com wrote:
Wasn't my car! I park in the car park but each day I walk pas the bollards (yes by the bowling green) and cars that park there regularly - be they people who work near by of visitors to the residents have scratches on their car.
It's the same as keying a car. He does it on purpose.
What gives him the right to do that even if those cars are parked there when they shouldn't?
Also - I'm not sure who owns the land as the council have only been able to put double yellows on every bit of loand up there BUT that part. Makes me think it belongs to the bowling ground and the council has no control, therefore cannot apply parking restrictions? The signs saying do not obscure are also on the raised section of bollards which has double yellows, not the bit people park on. Just bollards, no signs.
On 16 Jul 2009 at 1:42pm Informer wrote:
Let me get this right, you witnessed a crime and did not report it?
That could make you as bad as the perpetrator so I suggest you call 08456070999 and report it without delay.
On 16 Jul 2009 at 1:43pm Ed Can Do wrote:
Ah, that's true thinking about it. Isn't that building there a council office though? The way the road works it looks like that section is to do with the building.

Anyway, if he's doing it on purpose that's a bit different from accidental damage. Next time you see him do it, push him off his bike into the wall, give him some scratches...
On 16 Jul 2009 at 6:32pm waist_er wrote:
I agree - you see a crime, you report it !
"it wasn't my car" is quite the most pathetic thing I have ever heard. Ring the Police now and fess up to being a complete waste of oxygen!
On 16 Jul 2009 at 7:29pm Hotman wrote:
Informer and waist_er - you're incredibly naive if you really think the police will do anything about it. The job of the police is to sit in the canteen working out how big their pension is going to be.
On 16 Jul 2009 at 8:33pm Garty wrote:
well done to the fella on the bike
On 16 Jul 2009 at 8:57pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
I think the police do a splendid job - but it is made difficult by people not reporting crimes and failing to provide information to them which would make the community a safer (and less complacent) one.
Do the community a favour and report what you witnessed.
On 17 Jul 2009 at 9:39am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
The bit of land in question was owned by the county council, up to where it stopped being tarmac, along with the car park, which used to be the staff car park for Pelham house back when it was council offices.
I don't know if the car park still belongs to them, or if it was sold off when the great ESCC asset-stripping took place. I'd lay odds that it was all transferred together though.
On 19 Jul 2009 at 10:38am Sgt James Vitler wrote:
Message to annoyed.com
Please report what you witnessed to Sussex Police on 0845 6070999 or alternatively come directly into Lewes Police Station front office to report the incident. We have had a number of similar incidents at the location and without assistance from members of the public it is difficult to deal with such community issues.
I will ensure that we will have a presence at the location at the time / day you state to prevent further damage and identify the rider. Also we will examine the issue of illegal parking at the location - should this be the cause.
Re: Hotman comments - we don't even have a canteen!
Sgt James Vitler, Lewes Police Station.
On 19 Jul 2009 at 1:37pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I was told that as it's private property and not part of the highway, parking on the concrete bit isn't illegal. Parking on the tarmac bit is.
Hope you catch him, sarge. That's a pretty good description - maybe an ID parade's in order!
On 19 Jul 2009 at 5:54pm council bod wrote:
the land belongs to the building opposite
On 21 Jul 2009 at 8:23am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I saw Lord Lucan on the downs the other day, Plod. He was riding Shergar. Didn't have my phone with me though.

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