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Parking Review - Have Your Say

On 20 Jan 2011 at 2:40pm Qwerty wrote:
Here is a link to the council's Parking Review:

Click here

Spread the word
On 20 Jan 2011 at 2:42pm Qwerty wrote:
Scroll down the page and fill in the questionnaire that applies to you.
On 20 Jan 2011 at 3:05pm 'ere be monsters wrote:
Thanks for that Qwerty. Done. I shall be there at the Town Hall tomorrow as well. They don't advertise these things very well do they.
On 20 Jan 2011 at 3:30pm Qwerty wrote:
No. Funny that.
On 20 Jan 2011 at 4:05pm Webbo wrote:
Lets make sure everyone knows about this, Tweet it, Facebook it, shout it from the roof tops.
On 20 Jan 2011 at 4:09pm Squirm wrote:
Completed (thanks for tip Qwerty).
How typical of ESCC to want to know if you are a transexual!!!
On 20 Jan 2011 at 5:24pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Well, I've completed it but I really don't feel it will make any difference. I noticed there was no "abolish the whole thing" option, the best you can do is say you want all areas removed form the scheme.
On 20 Jan 2011 at 5:45pm SHS wrote:
Thanks Qwerty, you'll probably have single-handedly doubled the total response to this survey.
ACT: that's what I did in more than one comment box - remove all areas, remove all roads. Another choice (comment) was to make it just Monday to Friday, 9 to 4, and reduce charges.
Last page - ignored it. This is insulting and racist (not that racism is a crime) - are you the same sex as you were at birth? Are you white Irish or Chinese? What about French, Vietnamese or Greenish (that's from Greenland)?
On 20 Jan 2011 at 8:41pm MC wrote:
Both tweeted and Facebooked.

"Lewes (and Barcombe) parking scheme survey. A draconian rip-off in Lewes, plain unnecessary in Barcombe. Tell them."

I'm hoping people who don't agree won't take any notice. :-)
On 20 Jan 2011 at 8:53pm Foxstar wrote:
Received my survey through the post today, so for once they are letting people know,
On 20 Jan 2011 at 9:09pm Mrs Twine wrote:
I was quite willing to fill in the form until I saw the impertinent and intrusive questionnaire on the back. So I have binned it. Just how relevant is someone's ethnic origin or sexuality to the parking issue? I was so enraged I dropped a saucepan of lentils. Luckily, you could eat off my floor, which is what hubby did.
On 20 Jan 2011 at 11:11pm Qwerty wrote:
It's a well known fact in parking circles that lesbian transexuals who were born Chinese but now consider themselves as White of Gypsy origin are likely to overstay their ticket and get a fine.
Anyway I filled the rest in. Apart from the usual "get rid of it," what is the common sense solution to parking in Lewes?
I wrote that there should be free parking near the shops for half an hour at a time, regulated by wardens and ticket machines. Something to keep the shops from folding.
I added that it is ridiculous to have to pay to park on my street - I like permits as they stop people from outside the town parking in front of my house - and they should be free to Lewesians.
Plus you should have the option of either a town-wide permit, or your own zone plus one or two others, which would suit people making regular journeys to relatives or schools or whatever.
On 21 Jan 2011 at 12:58am Arthur Reitus wrote:
I think this video says all that needs to be said:

Watch the video »
On 21 Jan 2011 at 1:19am Dave wrote:
The parking scheme is a money making venture for the council.
It has no benefit for Lewes.

Am I the only one who can see that?
Is there something special about me?

Are you all mugs?
On 21 Jan 2011 at 5:50am Deelite wrote:
Is there anything to stop anyone filling in the online survey muliple times?
On 21 Jan 2011 at 7:36am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I thought there probaby was, so didn't try it, but I wouldn't put it past the council to allow it, then say that the results are invalid because of multiple submissions. and an online campaign.
My friend in Ohio has completed hers. She's deeply aggrieved by the scheme, despite never having beeb her.
On 21 Jan 2011 at 8:53am 'ere be monsters wrote:
Arthur, that video was extreemly cruel. I watched it right through eagerly awaiting the telly to fall on them or a dog to attack them and NOTHING happened, very cruel.
On 21 Jan 2011 at 11:19am Brixtonbelle wrote:
that piano music would make me chew a tissue box as well...

On 21 Jan 2011 at 11:33am Brixtonbelle wrote:
But seriously - I doubt they will get rid of the parking scheme, but I do like the idea of making it free to residents of the town, who could register their car with the scheme to be able to park on their own roads. The obvious problem is commuter parking near the station. We resisted one for years on our street in Lambeth (we were lucky to have a council who consulted AND listened to residents groups), but in the end most residents wanted one just to be able to park near their own homes, the commuter parking had got so bad.

For shopping I think 30 mins is about right. Looser regs on parking will mean more traffic and more pollution though. How about planting some street trees along the high street to mitigate that effect...and widen pavements for pedestrians/ create some sort of chicane system with parking indents and tree planting. It could transfer the character of the high street around the law courts area and encourage more use of top end of town ?
On 21 Jan 2011 at 11:53pm Corker wrote:
Sounds bloody awful - are you trying to recreate Lambeth in Sussex?

Received my consultation pack today and it included details about todays surgery at the Town Hall, so I trotted along. I was disappointed (yet not surprised) that there was no representation from ESCC or NCP. The operator took copious notes and promised that my comments would be fed back to ESCC (except my swear words).
Hoorah for the Lewes resident who single-handedly secured this review, but huge boo's to ESCC for sabotaging it by keeping it quiet (to receive notification ON the day of the event is VERY poor show).

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