On 16 Jul 2015 at 3:32pm Farmer Palmer wrote:
In other news: Business Booms In Welsh Town Where Parking Meters Have Been Broken For A Month
Check it out here »
On 16 Jul 2015 at 3:59pm Dumbfounded wrote:
Not gonna happen in Lewes or Brighton, greedy councils charging extortionate fees to park, not gonna give that up, its easy money. I visit France & Spain regularly, and the free parking in towns comparable to Lewes is refreshing. I dread to think what foreigners feel when they stop in town and see the price of parking. They don't stay long I bet. More tourist's money being spent elsewhere while Lewes misses out, again.
On 16 Jul 2015 at 5:00pm Penny arcade wrote:
Anyone tried putting an old penny in the slot? I guess it wouldn't damage the machine and would just disable it until they came and cleared it - much more civilised than blowing them up
On 16 Jul 2015 at 5:02pm Local Person wrote:
a lot of visitors tell me that they come to Lewes for a quick look round the castle and some shops, and then go and eat, and shop elsewhere. Well done to the Councils who in 50 years can't mange to construct proper car parks anywhere, including on an industrial estate, moments away from the town centre. Maybe not enough money changed hands, although we are all parting with enough of it to manage a problem that should never have been allowed to develop.
On 16 Jul 2015 at 6:09pm SouthStreeter wrote:
You can park in Lewes all day for less than two pounds , stop being tight .
On 16 Jul 2015 at 7:21pm Sussex Jim wrote:
I visited Hailsham today. I had to go round the corner to find a space- But it was free, and with no time limit. Like a breath of fresh air!
On 16 Jul 2015 at 7:48pm Fairmeadow wrote:
You don't have to go to France or Spain dumfounded. You could learn the same lesson at Uckfield, Seaford, Eastbourne (in the levels) or Newhaven (outside the old, strangled, town centre).
On 16 Jul 2015 at 8:12pm Historian wrote:
Happens here in Lewes most Novembers !
On 16 Jul 2015 at 11:03pm Local Person wrote:
Southstreet, yes you can in principle. Do you try it very often? And incidentally, I already pay for a permit but often can't park so clog up the £2 space! This is insane
On 17 Jul 2015 at 7:41am Mark wrote:
The metres were unscrewed from the ground and driven away on trucks during the afternoon last Nov 5. Very unsporting.
On 17 Jul 2015 at 9:18am ClicketyYak wrote:
Uckfield are about to introduce parking fees as well. With the tories cutting councils funding they are forced to introduce these type of fees which tops up council funds but annoys everyone else and ruins business in the town.
On 17 Jul 2015 at 10:08am Merlin Milner wrote:
I go to Marlborough often for work. Main street has pay and display in the central part of the street and free 20mins no return with 2 hours on the 2 pavements. Rest of town is free. Marlborough is similar in it's historic core etc.
We should learn from them. Have suggested it to ESCC and LDC numerous times.
On 17 Jul 2015 at 10:34am Belladonna wrote:
Something akin to what Merlin suggests would be fine - but residential streets in centre of town would need residents permits still.
On 20 Jul 2015 at 6:29pm The Twister wrote:
I tried to park in Lewes yesterday afternoon.(i.e. Sunday). It was impossible to find a parking space anywhere. I know it was the raft race but my recollection of trying to park in Lewes before the parking charges came in was similar. You had to drive around for ages just to find a space........keeps the cheapskates off the road.