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Pak a mac

On 15 May 2012 at 7:28am Sceptic wrote:
I had to pick up my grand-daughter from school the other day in pelting rain and yet I could count on one hand the children with wet weather gear or an umbrella. Why don't the schools make it compulsory to have a simple pak a mac as part of the school uniform. When I asked my grand- daughter why she had not taken an umbrella she just laughed and said Oh Yea!. Is this the trend among the youngsters that it is not cool to wear such apparel.
On 15 May 2012 at 7:35am Pete wrote:
It's just not cooool man.
On 15 May 2012 at 7:48am Luddite wrote:
Good idea - then we could have pac-a-mac police! Kids get wet, they enjoy it, no one died. Its nothing to do with cool, its to do with being a child. Next thing you'll be moaning about the nanny state.....
On 15 May 2012 at 8:34am Sceptic wrote:
Luddite Iam not moaning I was just thinking of the children sitting in school all day in wet clothes. Still if you say it does them no harm then fair enough. I will have to learn to chill out a bit eh! Pete. HaHa.
On 15 May 2012 at 8:49am Harry wrote:
"Why don't the schools make it compulsory to have a simple pak a mac as part of the school uniform?" Really???
Shouldn't that be "Why don't parents dress their children properly?"
On 15 May 2012 at 12:21pm Sceptic wrote:
Why don't parents dress their children properly? That's a Joke Harry. If you have got children you would know that they will only wear what they want to wear ( within reason ). And if you put them in a mac or gave them an umbrella I doubt if they would use them. If I was you Harry I would chill out and don't blame the parents.
On 15 May 2012 at 1:41pm OMG wrote:
Hey Sceptic, did you also wonder why the kids weren't playing with a big wooden hoop and a stick, like when you were a lad?
On 15 May 2012 at 1:44pm Southover Queen wrote:
Well then, and apologies if I've missed something obvious, why would having the school being obliged to provide pac-a-macs or umbrellas be any more likely to induce compliance?

I can't help thinking we've got enough rules and laws to be going along with and that if parents want their kids to be dry on the way to school then it's up to them to ensure that they are.
On 15 May 2012 at 4:35pm bastian wrote:
enforcing wet weather gear would be harder than getting them to wear the tie or making them keep a blazer on their backs...just wait a few years.they grow up,get bored of feeling damp and pick up a coat all on their own.And yes I do have kids.
On 15 May 2012 at 5:06pm Sceptic wrote:
So Southover queen you reckon if the parents want their children to be dry on the way to school then it's up to them to ensure that they are, what are the parents suppose to do walk along side them till they get to school. And omg I did wonder why the children were not playing with a big wooden stick and a hoop, perhaps they were too engaged talking on their iPhones to know what real fun is. Bastion you made sense, respect.
On 15 May 2012 at 6:39pm Clifford wrote:
Why don't we just put a big plastic cover over Lewes so we can all go to work or school without a mac and not get wet? Come on Norman, once you've opened the Uckfield link you can turn your hand to this.
On 15 May 2012 at 11:34pm Southover Queen wrote:
@sceptic: "So Southover queen you reckon if the parents want their children to be dry on the way to school then it's up to them to ensure that they are"

Yup, that's exactly right. Unless you've got several million quid to spend on appointing pak-a-mac monitors at the school gates, and someone to check in and out all the umbrellas. Oh, and the insurance needed for when little Johhny puts little Jane's eye out with one of the spikes. Totally brilliant idea.

Of course it's the parent's bloody responsibility. Just as it is to provide them with clean underwear, school uniform and proper shoes.
On 16 May 2012 at 5:46am Sceptic wrote:
Southover Queen you have really responded in a childlike way which is so unlike you. When I suggested that pak a macs should be part of the school uniform I didn't suggest that there should be pak a mac monitors at the school gates, it was just an idea that if it was part of the uniform the children would be more inclined to wear them. After all they don't have uniform monitors at the school gates so don't be so sarcastic and stop swearing it belittles you. And why does it have to be johnny that puts Janes eye out and not the other way round, that remark was very sexist. No go away make yourself a cup of tea and calm down.
On 16 May 2012 at 6:26am Lord Antony wrote:
Well said sceptic
On 16 May 2012 at 7:24am Clifford wrote:
When I was at school a prefect used to be posted at the gate to check we had caps. There were also hymn book and cap inspections after assembly.
On 16 May 2012 at 10:15am Southover Queen wrote:
Sceptic, I apologise. It was the end of a very long day and I'd got the wrong end of the stick.

I do think some parents will find adding more school uniform to the list imposes some financial strain however and I still don't think umbrellas are a good idea whatever sex you are. I also do think that it is up to the parents to ensure that their kids have appropriate weather gear. However I apologise for intemperate language.
On 16 May 2012 at 8:34pm Sceptic wrote:
Apologies accepted Southover Queen, we all get bad days.
On 16 May 2012 at 10:41pm Southover Queen wrote:
Thank you, Sceptic.

Move along now, nothing to see here.

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