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Over the top Old Billl

On 6 Nov 2014 at 8:38am Visiting Stripes wrote:
Had a great night with our host Society but the policing on the last procession was over the top. Both myself and our Society president were warned we would be nicked if we let off any more rookies and one of the Clergy of our hosts suffered a similar fate although he was saved by his Police Society Bonfire Liaison Officer who 'got it' and stopped the copper trying to nick him from proceeding. What a sham that the boys in blue are continuing to interfere even in the normally 'traditional' last processions. All in all a great night to be part of bonfire.
On 6 Nov 2014 at 10:22am Bonfire wrote:
I think overall police dealt with it all pretty well. Just a shame certain society members have to be consistently so rude, calling spectators stupid amongst other names (I was within a different society but still thought it was out of order)

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