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Outside water taps

On 29 Nov 2012 at 8:33am Pete wrote:
...just in case I forget, now's the time of year to ensure that your outside tap is isolated from the mains (i.e. stop tap in doors), so that it doesn't freeze up. Also make sure that there's plenty of lagging around the water tank(s). We're going to see minus signs from now on, and there's a threat of a mini ice age on the way....
On 29 Nov 2012 at 8:37am Reliable Plumber wrote:
And just to add to that, make sure you leave the tap open to drain it. If it has an integral check valve this wont be possible but still leave it open.
On 29 Nov 2012 at 9:31am Local wrote:
What should I do - the pipe to my tap emerges from the kitchen wall and is exposed for about 18" before the tap. But there is no isolation valve inside. Help!
On 29 Nov 2012 at 9:39am Sussex Jim wrote:
Get some pipe insulation (from Chandlers) and wrap it around the pipe. Secure with cable ties or duct tape. Do it today!
On 29 Nov 2012 at 9:43am Reliable Plumber wrote:
If you've never isolated it before then I wouldn't worry about it. I must admit I've never done it. Mine's in a sheltered spot, and though it does freeze during the very cold snaps it's never burst even in all the snow we've had over the last couple of years.

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