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Our green and pleasant land !

On 24 Mar 2007 at 5:18pm Andy wrote:
I've just been out for a drive in our wonderful countryside. The daffodils are flowering and the lambs are bouncing around in the fields.
But if you take a slightly closer look, you will see the fences, hedgerows and verges festooned with shredded sheets of polythene, coke cans, fag packets, carrier bags and heavens knows what else.
I drove from Lewes along the A27 and then over to Woodingdean and i was disgusted by the state of the roadsides.
Who is responsible for this ? why can't people on community service clean it up ? (too much political correctness probably).
Next time you're out....have a look.
On 26 Mar 2007 at 10:22am expat wrote:
I have noticed the problem, visiting the area for the first time in 3 years. The railway embankments are also revolting. What kind of mentality do the people have that dump their rubbish which includes unperishable household items. The countryside is certainly beautiful with the daffodils and green hills, but unfortunately the edge has been taken off my visit by the rubbish and dirt.
On 28 Mar 2007 at 9:11pm Madge wrote:
It is a shame when its not our rubbish but if everyone conscientously picked up a few bits of litter that they see laying around instead of walking past it, every little bit would help. Im not suggesting major clear up but picking up the odd item and placing in a nearby bin is not beyond anyone, it might even catch on.
On 29 Mar 2007 at 9:39am SHS wrote:
Trouble is there's rarely a nearby bin or if there is it will be overflowing. I suggest all the time and money wasted on the anti-hunting bill, on ID-cards, on CPZs and on the new gambling laws should have been spent on (a) public transport, (b) lower personal taxes and (c) clearing up and preventing all this litter everywhere. Criminals and/or the unemployed could easily be recruited into a team-based organisation to do jobs like clearing up litter.
On 29 Mar 2007 at 11:14am Andy wrote:
The problem with picking litter up in the street is you don't know where it's been, how many dogs have pee'd on it etc etc.
I work for Brighton parks and gardens and i spend an hour a day picking up rubbish from the garden i look after and we're equipped with litter pickers and gloves.
On 30 Mar 2007 at 7:55am DYL wrote:
Yeah and if it wasn't for people like me throwing rubbish on the ground you would be unemployed.
On 30 Mar 2007 at 8:27am Andy wrote:
Oh dear...the pond life has woken up....shouldn't you be at school by now ?
On 30 Mar 2007 at 10:29am DYL wrote:
Nah I bunked off so I can throw rubbish at the people doing low paid menial tasks that are done by people who never went to school.
On 30 Mar 2007 at 12:30pm 1966 wrote:
What's your problem DYL. Maybe you should talk about this in person rather than hide behind your PC screen.
On 30 Mar 2007 at 12:39pm DYL wrote:
There should be a question mark after DYL. Are you are street cleaner as well?

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