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Our Washing Machine

On 6 Jun 2011 at 8:48am TDA wrote:
... has died. What's the best thing to do with it - is there a council pick-up? Anyone want it for spares? Bosch Classixx 1200.
On 6 Jun 2011 at 10:06am FieldFairy wrote:
I have the same machine and they will go on forever, so i'm sure you can fix it. Probably just the brushes on the motor - £30 to replace - see youtube for demo. I replaced mine a few months ago.
On 6 Jun 2011 at 10:20pm TDA wrote:
Hi FieldFairy
We've had it for 7 years but it's been tripping this and our last house's electrics for at least half of that time. It seemed OK on a 30 wash but even that has become impossible, it last a few minutes then it's back to fusebox and resetting all the other appliances. Does that sound like the same problem?
Have ordered a new one. Bugger it.
On 7 Jun 2011 at 11:58am Lucy wrote:
I have an almost new washing machine for sale (and a fridge too!). Message back for phone number and details. Can deliver too.

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