On 13 Mar 2011 at 6:05pm anon wrote:
There always seems to have been a sizeable contingent of Japanese students in Lewes - is it something to do with the College?
The experience of being young, thousands of miles from home and possibly unable to contact your family or find out about your home must be devastating.
My sympathy goes out to them.
On 14 Mar 2011 at 11:50am Emerson wrote:
Yes, it has to do with the college. I had two Japanese students staying at our house a few years back. They are very polite and friendly. I also had a student from Italy (my own country) and he was a DISASTER!
I do feel sorry for what happened in Japan. The Japanese are good people and deserve our sympathy and all the help we can give. I will no hesitate to give money to any charity doing humanitarian work over there.
On 14 Mar 2011 at 2:42pm One of these days wrote:
We've had a japanese student for the past 4 years from the college. They are mostly from Kyoto which was largely unaffected by the disaster.
They are indeed a lovely nation, very polite and humble and i echo all the sentiments above.
On 15 Mar 2011 at 3:29pm Ed Can Do wrote:
Whilst of course it's a tragedy what's happening over there, it's a bit of a sweeping generalisation to refer to the Japanese as "Good people". I mean, they have worse organised crime problems than a lot of countries for starters, the whole economic collapse of the late 90's was a direct result of Yakuza buying up land then simply refusing to pay back the bank loans afterwards. Also they eat whales.
Not entirely relevant to the thread perhaps but I'm just saying, they're not all lovely.
On 15 Mar 2011 at 4:40pm Old Cynic wrote:
I thought for a moment this would be a nice thread without any of the usual basts of negativity. Wrong again.
As my old mother used to say 'if you cant say anything nice shut up'
As usual she was right!'
On 15 Mar 2011 at 4:52pm one of these day wrote:
@ Ed can do. What a slag you are. Why don't you just f*** off and die somewhere.
On 15 Mar 2011 at 5:21pm Hoist wrote:
There are times when you should speak up - even when you can't say anything nice.
My old mother used to say you should always shut up when you don't have anything to say.
Previous poster take note.
On 15 Mar 2011 at 6:16pm Grunge wrote:
If you think Ed Can Do was negative, OOTD. take a look at your own message, above, and try to be a bit ashamed. The kind of message you expressed is the pits.
On 15 Mar 2011 at 7:34pm Emerson wrote:
You guys never change!
Yes, not all Japanese are "lovely" but neither are us Italians or, for that matter, you brits! After what happened, it is impossible not to "generalize". The tsunami hit "nice" people as well as "not so nice" people, but the Japanese nation are giving an extraordinary example of dignity. I gues it ha spartly to do with their religion (confucianism and buddism) which, in moments like this, seem to give people a tremendous strength, a sense of unity and great confort. Of course, we all show the best part of our humanity when we are hit by a disaster of this scale. I guess the British people gave innumerable examples of this during the second world war. We Italians call it: solidarity. It is one of those values that we all seem to have lost, but suddenly reappears when something as tragic as this happens and make us realize that, ultimately, are all brothers and sisters, ... except Gaddafi of course!
Also, I can't help thinking that, had there been a just God, he would not have allowed this to happen... perhaps, he could have created a better planet, one without these blasted earthquakes that kill thousands of innocent people. That's why, as much as I respect Christianity and good Christians, I can never be a Christian. But that would lead us to another debate! Of course, God is not responsible for our foolish nuclear craze! Well, for a start, he could have created a world where free, renewable, inexhaustible, clean energy were accessible to everyone on earth, especially those who need it most, those people who, through no fault of their own, happen to live in the most inhospitable part of our panet .. he could have spared us centuries of darkness! Oooops .. that's the God debate!
On 15 Mar 2011 at 8:17pm Deelite wrote:
Golly, you don't half go on you Italians.
On 15 Mar 2011 at 10:50pm Emerson wrote:
@Deelite, Scusi tanto!
On 15 Mar 2011 at 11:22pm MC wrote:
Di niente
On 16 Mar 2011 at 12:17am bloke wrote:
I think it's very interesting that we haven't been hearing anything about looting or riots from Japan. Just look at what happened during the Katrina Hurricane. Can you imagine what would be happening in the US if this disaster had happened there.
On 16 Mar 2011 at 10:24am Hoist wrote:
Don't think we'd be much better. Some of us would be straight down Tescos.
On 20 Mar 2011 at 10:54am Peter Van Byron wrote:
Chill out Emerson. No one wants to hear your drivel.