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Other effigies

On 5 Nov 2017 at 3:32pm out of town wrote:
Social media is awash with the Cliffe effigy of Trump in his gimp mask but can't see anything from the other societies. Any ideas what they had?
On 5 Nov 2017 at 3:48pm Observer wrote:
Trump, Trump and more Trump seemed to be the theme of the day although I did see a token Theresa May. Cliffe's however, was the best by far.
On 5 Nov 2017 at 5:27pm Tablo wrote:
And here it is

On 5 Nov 2017 at 8:45pm and thats a fact wrote:
It seems the bonfire societies have run out of ideas this year, just rehashed last years and thats a fact However the zulux black paint can of the Borough which was saved off the tab and ceremonially consigned to the flames of history by Borough chairman Jason Winter esq out side the Law Courts at bonfire prayers was a dramatic statement, I applaud Boroughs calm approach facing the hysterics of those who tried to split Lewes apart, My hat is off to Borough, and thats a fact
On 5 Nov 2017 at 9:19pm @and that’s a fact wrote:
The tableaux are based on current events, as always. Just because the same idiots are still in power is nothing to do with us. It was a difficult decision to do the same person two years in a row, but seems all the societies (or most) cane to the same decision, so I would say that is a fairly good indication that it was the right thing to do. And that’s a fact.
Suggest you stay home and watch tv if you want to see something different.
On 6 Nov 2017 at 9:14am Interested wrote:
And what do you think we should have done, and that’s a fact? Who should it have been, and how should they have been depicted? Would be good to know in case we need to make use of your creative satirical genius next year. Bear in mind that tab planning/building starts in the summer, so don’t even think about anything that happened later than that. Over to you, we can’t wait to hear your ideas.
On 6 Nov 2017 at 9:20am Presume you are LBBS wrote:
Pity you didn’t give some of your invaluable advice to your own tab team! A can of Zulu black paint and a man dressed as a monkey? Really?
On 6 Nov 2017 at 9:34am Pedro wrote:
@ "and thats a fact" - again, use your motto wisely and when appropriate, instead of sloppily and often incorrectly at the end of each post. Victor Meldrew didn't say "I don't believe it" every time he spoke - it was used in the correct context and with decent comic timing. That is more of a fact than most of your loose usage of it, but even then its still an opinion so I'd be wary of using the F word. Maybe you should change it to "and that's my opinion", or "and that's what I think". Time for a passive-aggressive smiley
On 6 Nov 2017 at 1:23pm Country Life wrote:
Yes I agree I find nothing amusing, interesting, quizzical, relevant or engaging about you writing 'and that's a fact' at the end of your posts. Can't see that there's a point to it. Hey everyone, look, I write 'and that's a fact' when I post on the Lewes Forum, it hilaaaarious! honestly I think my sides have split! Everybody loves it of course..
On 6 Nov 2017 at 9:32pm BBAB wrote:
He does the same on the Argus under the name philthefish. He's a real card.
On 7 Nov 2017 at 12:22pm And that's a fact wrote:
@ Thankyou, Imitation is the finest form of Flattery. And that's a fact Man dressed as a monkey? I missed that one, Was that you? Presume far too much?
On 8 Nov 2017 at 9:49am Watcher wrote:
Well done Commercial, avoided the crowd, produced a simple, effective, to the point and well executed Tableau.
On 8 Nov 2017 at 12:16pm Tab Fan wrote:
Yes, Watcher, like Cliffe's, your tab was well made, and to the point, and they were both head and shoulders above the rest. The only thing is it wasn't clear what she was shooting herself in the foot about (presume that's what she was doing)? Maybe I didn't see the right pictures.
On 8 Nov 2017 at 9:48pm Watcher wrote:
Apologies Tab Fan, I should have been clearer. I'm not a Bonfire marcher, I just work in advertising & design. Commercial's effort worked best 'in my world' but all were commendable efforts.

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Cliffe Tableau Sepp Blatter 26:132
Cliffe Tableau Sepp Blatter

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