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On 30 Aug 2009 at 11:03am Speccie wrote:
Can anyone recommend an optician that will give a reliable sight test? I'm a bit fed up with Specsavers.
On 30 Aug 2009 at 11:22am Dog In A Cape. wrote:
There are about 8 just in the Cliffe area!
Reliable, you don't ask for much, your guess is as good as any ones.
On 30 Aug 2009 at 12:03pm Rookie wrote:
I am with Chapples in the Cliffe and have been for years. He seems a decent sort of bloke. Don't know whether he's good value though as I haven't been anywhere else to compare.
On 30 Aug 2009 at 1:08pm TimDog wrote:
For personal service I can strongly recommend Spectrum Eyecare. Specifcally, I wanted a pair of prescription Oakley sunglasses. However, Oakley would not do a prescription for my particular eye . . and anyway would not do the mirror in a colour I wanted. Julian at Spectrum found a lens maker to make the lens shape, another to mirror it and returned to the first to fit it in an Oakley frame. A most impressive service.
On 31 Aug 2009 at 12:29am Specsaver wrote:
Don't you love it when the French optician at Specsavers says 'focus' like !*ckos? Tried very hard not to grin and laugh.

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