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One Embassy that wont close!

On 28 Sep 2010 at 1:38pm Northern bigot wrote:
Since last autumn according to the Telegraph our consulates in France have stopped serving champers and opted for sparkling white wine. Poor dears!
Might i humbly suggest if the Foreign office wishes to save money, it tells us why we have 2 Embassies in Rome?. One for Italy, and one for the Vatican (holy see) 108 acres, the sise of a golf course. This has cost us millions over the years, and nobody seems to know what the Vatican Embassy does? Anyone turning up there, is told visits are by appointment only, if you lose youre passport in the Sistine chapel, you are refered to the Italian Embassy. All the services? provided by the Vatican Embassy could be provided by the Italian Embassy minutes away! No wonder miss Widdicombe prefered strictly to a diplomatic non job. Many countries amalgamate the 2, Italy and Holy see, but the Vatican dont like it, so we wont do it! For more info read Geoffrey Robertson QC , human rights lawyers book "The case of the Pope" penguin £6.50
On 28 Sep 2010 at 5:26pm sashimi wrote:
I hear on the grapevine that the Government are planning to open an embassy in Cliffe. About time too.
On 28 Sep 2010 at 8:08pm Northern bigot wrote:
I wonder if the Vatican will do as well?

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