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Old television set

On 11 Aug 2014 at 8:44pm LabourVoice wrote:
I'm a student moving into and renting a lovely little terraced house in Pelham Terrace, near the Elephant and Castle.
We'd like to watch the TV in our front room and wondered whether anybody in Lewes might have an old TV set in their loft.
Doesn't matter if it's not digitally tuned - as it's an old house, we don't really want a set that looks too modern.
If it's in any way vintage, I'd certainly be able to offer some money.
This might be a long shot but I thought this would be the place for such a question!
On 12 Aug 2014 at 2:00pm trooper wrote:
"Labour voice" I have an old Panasonic set with a 14in screen and I would not say its vintage but pretty close, it is in working order but I cannot locate the remote at the moment but you can change channels manually. You are more than welcome to it.
Phone 07767866017. free and gratis.
On 12 Aug 2014 at 6:27pm 405 lines wrote:
Trooper , You are a gentleman and a scholar (and possibly a Socialist )
On 12 Aug 2014 at 7:22pm Airwaves wrote:
You will need a digital box however. The analogue tv signal was turned off a couple of years back.
On 13 Aug 2014 at 8:59am trooper wrote:
Ref the comment from Airwaves , you will need a digital box and I have one that you can have with the TV, AGAIN ALL FREE.
On 19 Sep 2014 at 12:06am Miranda9 wrote:
The wall unit is a smart way to utilize space for keeping piles of books, DVDs and family photos organized and they are very popular these days.

Check it out here »

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