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Northease Manor School

On 19 May 2014 at 7:32pm parent wrote:
Did anyone catch the news item on Northease Manor School on BBC news? -East Sussex finances students that go there I believe.
On 19 May 2014 at 9:24pm Earl of Lewes wrote:
I didn't see news, but there's a piece on the BBC News website about it. I've visited the school and spoken to some of the pupils and was very impressed. Lots of local authorities send children there because the school specialises in dyslexia and autistic spectrum disorders. I'm surprised by the Ofsted result, as it doesn't square with what I saw and what other people have told me.
On 20 May 2014 at 8:16am parent wrote:
The school in the past has been good; Norman Baker in the BBC News apparently stated that he has been receiving information about problems at the school for the last three years. Surely he would not say that if there were not sound backing for such a statement? I think it may make many vulnerable parents anxious.
On 20 May 2014 at 11:45am parent 2 wrote:
It mentions in the report 2 serious safeguarding complaints have been made to OFSTED. This was an unannounced emergency visit following these complaints, they must be serious for Ofsted to revisit so quickly since last year? High turnover of staff, staff not CRB checked, insufficient supervision during boarding and staffing levels minimal, inadaquate checks carried out, children self medicating? 'Senior staff could not satisfactorily identify effective protective measures, learning or action taken ... to reduce such risk occuring again' following on from the 2 significant child protection incidents. Norman Baker confirmed that parents, staff and ex governors had come to him with complaints over about 3 years mostly about bullying and actions by management. These are vulnerable children here and should be safe, this is very troubling.
On 21 May 2014 at 8:12am concerned wrote:
I agree with Parent 2; this is such a sad situation. Parents have to fight hard to get their children into the school.The actual fees are very high because of the specialist care and most pupils I believe are LEA funded.
The school in the past has been very good at repairing the confidence of vulnerable children and helping them to gain functional skills. Parents want desperately for the school to work for their child; there are few other places for them to go. Consequently I think it will be very hard for some parents to come to terms with the content of the latest Offsted report that rates the school inadequate and raises grave concerns.
Unfortunately from what Norman Baker has said the the school community has been subject to bullying and questionable actions of management resulting in a massive turnover of staff and senior management apart from the actual head.Perhaps most importantly importantly apparently there has been an almost complete change of governors.
Another worry is how cash strapped LEA's will view the school's current record. It is difficult to see how they can continue to fund expensive fees to an 'inadequate' school.
It is indeed very sad. I do hope that there can be a proper investigation and that the school will survive it. I believe it is funded by a charitable trust.

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