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North Street Quarter

On 26 Jul 2020 at 11:01pm Basil wrote:
Whatever happeed to it?
On 27 Jul 2020 at 1:56pm Nevillman wrote:
I assume that as the cost of building on green field sites is so much lower than a brown field site and as there are so many green field sites currently being developed it is not economic to build there at present. Facts anyone?
On 27 Jul 2020 at 4:36pm Formerly AC-T wrote:
I suspect you're right, Nevillman. Bloody shame they found it necessary to evict all the artists working down there before they decided it was uneconomic to proceed.
The most recent "news" on their website is a year old.
On 27 Jul 2020 at 7:01pm Tom Pain wrote:
The north street eighth and shrinking.
On 28 Jul 2020 at 6:17pm Tom Pain wrote:
Call me Galileo but if I was on top of the tower at the fire station and dropped a cannon ball and a cricket ball at the same time which one would land first?
On 31 Jul 2020 at 8:26am Stephen Watson wrote:
The cannon ball, Tom - even if it's a cast iron cricket ball. It's all about air resistance. Surface area goes up with the square of the size, volume and mass with the cube, so larger objects have less surface area in proportion, and hence fall faster in air. You knew that of course, but I'm sure everyone else was just dying for a physics lecture. More relevantly, microdroplets containing viruses hardly fall at all and may potentially drift for long distances in damp air.
On 31 Jul 2020 at 2:12pm Tom Pain wrote:
I didn't know it and I'm still trying to understand it! Cubic balls? I understand that th surface area of something depends on it's size, what a brain eh? But you'll have to give me time on larger objects being smaller! Those viral objects are the very devil aren't they. They're so small that really expert experts say that masks are as much use as chicken wire is for keeping out mosquitoes,which coincidentally thrive in damp places. I've been thinking of avoiding my bathroom because of the damp air and I'm wondering if cholera is a better bet than covid. They're both deadly but the government seems to be betting on covid. I'm getting used to holding two conflicting ideas at once but this is a real teaser. I don't know any billionaire philanthropists but it seems that vast wealth confers a supernatural wisdom on medical science so I'm eager for one's advice. Lacking that I rely on news from "the daily scare.com" fact free journalism has a serious rival there.
On 1 Aug 2020 at 12:34pm Basil wrote:
Councillor Jim Lord, Cabinet Member for Strategic Development, said:
“Having been briefed by senior officers since my election in May and seeing the incredible scale of the housing, health and raft of sustainability benefits it offers, not least the completion of critical flood defences, we must now get on and make it happen. Let’s not forget, this transformational scheme will create nearly 500 new jobs.
“I call on every stakeholder and council partner in the project to put their shoulders to the wheel and help deliver this once in a generation scheme as quickly as possible – this is a legacy moment for us all, and we should all remember this.”
That was June 2019. Anything to add Jim? We're all waiting for the 'legacy moment'.
On 1 Aug 2020 at 5:49pm Tom Pain wrote:
Jim told me that robust efforts are continuing, mistakes have been made, but vibrant and diverse new methods will provide resilient, interconnected solutions in our transition town. Social distancing is paramount and all new buildings must have 6 meter wide doorways and no windows unless they have germicidal filters. Roads must be 20 meters wide because a Jaguar is in isolation in Rottingdean suspected of having the virus and Pearly Gates is donating new injectors. All in all the lockdown is expected to last at least 33 years give or take a millennium if the goals are achieved. He was calling from his private island in the Virgin Islands when we were cut off.
On 29 Aug 2020 at 10:37am BobbyMok wrote:
This is ultimately dishonorable on the part of the authorities

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