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Norman Baker

On 23 Oct 2007 at 1:55am Piggles wrote:
Anyone else note that Norman Baker made the front page of the Independent this weekend? I was not aware of his apparent 4 year investigation into the death of Dr. Kelly... the government Iraq weapons inspector. He is doing well at stirring up sh(te in parliament. Apparently this and other incidents have earned him the 'most hated MP' by those in the government. Good on him I say. Even if it is a bit of a conspiracy theory!
On 23 Oct 2007 at 10:21am The Super K wrote:
Norman "the prat" Baker! nearly crashed into him on sunday as he stuck the end of his car so far out of a side road to try and pull out of it. Kinda wished I had really!
On 23 Oct 2007 at 8:07pm lopster wrote:
does he drive a 4x4xany chance?
On 23 Oct 2007 at 8:30pm For The Record wrote:
.........or a methane producing friend of Dobbin?

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