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Nobody wants the Parking Scheme

On 12 Jul 2004 at 11:07am Smiler wrote:
As far as I can tel, nobody wants this ill-conceived scheme.
I haven't met anyone who even knows anyone who thinks its a good idea.
If anyone has heard of anyone who wants its could you get them to put their views on here.
I'd love to hear the other side of the argument, even if it's only to convince me that it isn't just the Council who are pushing it through to raise more money from us - isn't the massive hike in Council Tax enough?
On 12 Jul 2004 at 10:41pm Peter Dactyl wrote:
Well I suggest that we all write in and complain - I think they'll take comments until the 18th of July. Better still, do sod all then complain afterwards.
On 13 Jul 2004 at 1:41pm Smiler wrote:
I have written several times.
But the deadline to get your letters in is the 16th or you could use the link on the front page
On 13 Jul 2004 at 8:22pm More Tea Vicar? wrote:
Face facts.
Venting makes you feel good but will make buggerall difference. Writing to the tin gods is just a PR exercise.
Just do as your told, pay up... shut up... and be grateful.
It's your interests they have at heart.
They care about you.

On 14 Jul 2004 at 1:17pm Smiler wrote:
Are you serious?
On 14 Jul 2004 at 2:30pm More Tea Vicar? wrote:
Venting makes you feel good but will make buggerall difference... SERIOUS
Writing to the tin gods is just a PR exercise...SERIOUS
Just do as your told, pay up... shut up... and be grateful...SERIOUS (do you think you have a choice?)

It's your interests they have at heart. NOT SERIOUS (Though I'm sure they have an interest at heart... just doubt if it's yours)

They care about you... PARTLY SERIOUS(they DO care about you... at election time)
Hope that clarifies the post Smiler!
On 15 Jul 2004 at 11:11am Peter Dactyl wrote:
Nah that sounds like laziness to me.... do nothing and then grumble about how things are.
On 15 Jul 2004 at 3:35pm Mystic mog wrote:
In October 2001 a leaflet describing proposals for decriminalised enforcement and controlled parking wasdistributed to every residential and business address in Lewes town and made widely available through surrounding parish councils, petrol stations and other outlets. Leaflet included a ?tear off? questionnaire and an invitation to an exhibition giving fuller detail, including outline ?street-by-street? location of parking.
Unfortuneatly on very few questionaires were recieved and I understand of those that were sent and small majority were in favour of the scheme. Only Walland and Malling wanted to be outside the scheme. Surly we have ourselves in part to blame!!
On 15 Jul 2004 at 3:40pm More Tea Vicar? wrote:
Do nothing... and save your energies for walking Peter, that or paying fines.
IMHO You'll be doing much more walking when the parking scheme is introduced.
Remember that one definition of the the word "scheme" means "A secret or devious plan".
On 15 Jul 2004 at 4:11pm More Tea Vicar? wrote:
Like many others I bothered to go to a public meeting / display where all the proposed street plans were available and I chatted to those involved.
While I was there most people objected... a few were resigned to the inevitable but no one seemed to be jumping with glee.
The staff looked weary from finger wagging and being shouted at.
They informed me that it was a complicated situation and would firstly have to be implimented and then proberly modified... for example when 1500 p*ssed off motorist simultaneously compete for the handful of visitors spaces in Bradford Road at 8am on a Monday morning.
But then what's wrong with a little healthy competion?
Parking in Lewes should have been sorted out years ago... and we all know it.
So why wasn't it???
Lewes is a striving town (look at the house prices)people like to live, work and visit.
This makes for an increase in cars(residents & visitors) which isn't matched by an increase in parking spaces... hence a political hot potato.
Errr, seen any modern spacious car parks being built Mystic Mog?
One is left with the impression that if those that enclose themselves in the safety of their Ivory Towers were get off their A*ses and walk about the town... much could be solved.
It would also help if those of a political bent would stop sniping at each other and work together for the benefit of the electorate.
On 16 Jul 2004 at 10:06am Smiler wrote:
I read in the Sussex Express this morning that Mr Henry Cade, 74 is going to chain himself to the railings the September 20th in protest at the 300% increase in his parking costs. I'll be there to whole-heartedly support him and I urge all others of similar views to his to do the same. Why not get your sewing machine serviced by him at the Riverside and have a chat.
I also read in the Express that one of the philosophies of the new parking scheme is that it will be cheaper to park off-street than on-street.
Why doesn't this apply to the proposed dual use parking bays in the Morris Road area?
Currently it is proposed that the nearest car park to Morris Road (the Phoenix) is more expensive per hour and has a 5 hour time limit where Morris Road has no tiome limit.
This will inevitably make Morris Road a more attractive place to park for shoppers and commuters which in turn will create more traffic down Cliffe High Street as people drive around searching for a space, something the council says it is trying to reduce.
All the the residents of Morris Road believe it would be a much better use of the limited parking space around Morris road to designate it as residents-only throughout, thereby reducing the Cliffe High Street traffic flow.
Also, why can't the scheme be delayed until the additional off-street parking has been provided?
Lewes is a thriving town, let hope it stays that way and doesn't go the way of Newhaven, I can see the tumble weeds gathering.
On 27 Jul 2004 at 10:22am Mystic mog wrote:
Personnally I am not if favour of this NCP money grabbing scheme. It is just that general apathy 3 years ago have been a contributor to this mess. "Keep it simple stupid" has not been in ESCC's management books and we are going to have a draconain scheme. The Police should take part of the blame for not booking dangerous parking.
On 27 Jul 2004 at 10:31am Smiler wrote:
I agree with you about the apathy problem but its not a done deal yet.
The Chamber of Commerce is against this scheme until adequate off-street parking has been provided.
Surely the Council will have to listen to them, won't they?

The vast majority of residents are against this parking scheme.
Surely the Council will have to listen to them, won't they?
The peasants might be revolting but they put you there, remember that LDC.
On 31 Jul 2004 at 11:39am Mystic mog wrote:
A hideous library that District and Town were against - ESCC just do what they feel is in "the interests of Lewes" which means that they do what the they want! They will be able to point to loads of consultancy reports etc to back up the scheme. The final descion was made by a sole Councillor - Tony Read. So much for the cabinet system.

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