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No more Platerboard at Lewes Tip

On 16 Aug 2009 at 7:37am Bob.T.Builder wrote:
In an attempt to improve their figures, ESCC have restricted the no of sites where plasterboard can be dumped - the nearest to Lewes is Seaford and there is a limit to the number of sheets you can dump.
This is madness. You just know the twerps who work there won't have a proper definition of a 'sheet' so 4 bits will count as 4 sheets rather than a sheet being 8' x 4'.
And people will just dump it on the side of the road from now on rather than argue the toss with a numptie without O levels...
On 16 Aug 2009 at 8:24am Stig of the Dump worker wrote:
On 16 Aug 2009 at 10:31am Professor Plumm wrote:
Duz O levels make you clevva then?
On 16 Aug 2009 at 11:10am Bob.T.Builder wrote:
No, but they're a good indicator that you might have gone to school.
Mind you - I have a couple and still spelt plasterboard wrong!
On 16 Aug 2009 at 4:24pm Professor Plumm wrote:
My wife went to school, she didn't get any O levels but she went on to get a degree (and she can spell plasterboard). Does this count?
On 16 Aug 2009 at 4:47pm greasy_spoon wrote:
Only if she has a yellow jacket and a couple of day's worth of stubble...
On 16 Aug 2009 at 9:04pm Reliable Plumber wrote:
Two Points Bob. Firstly you shouldn't be dumping anything at Lewes tip as it doesn't accept trade waste. Secondly, plasterboard being a gipsum (?) product now has to be recycled. I think you'll find that you can't put it in any skip with other mixed waste anymore.
On 17 Aug 2009 at 12:51am OCD FREAK wrote:
Feel much better now.
On 17 Aug 2009 at 8:31pm Bob.T.Builder wrote:
Who said it was trade waste? I might really be Dev.T.Diyer...
The reason plasterboard is verboten is that it contains suphates that can, in large concentrations, create Hydrogen Sulphide gas in landfill. A few bits here and there from a DIYer is hardly going to make a difference so it's just Govt. over reaction!
So, watch out for fly tipped plasterboard on the increase.
On 18 Aug 2009 at 8:56am Pd Off Of Lewes wrote:
Reliable Plumber you are correct you can't put plasterboard in skips at the tip or ones you hire (unless you let them know first and pay premium).
I have a small van which I use for my work and also my car the council give me 12 permits so I can use my van to take household rubbish to the tip once a month.
what takes the pee is that I had to use one permit at Lewes to dump my hedge cuttings and few bits of carpet wood etc then use another to drive all the way to seaford to tip about a 1/3rd ofa 8x4 sheet of platerboard or Plasterboard.
so now I have one less permitt to use at the tip when I need it.
So my question is we are supposed to be recycling to save our planet but how many people have to drive to seaford now on a weekly basis to dump plasterboard.
would it not make sense to collect at lewes once a week and then deliver by lorry.
just thinking of the planet.
On 18 Aug 2009 at 9:12am Great Crested Newt wrote:
Who profits from selling all the bits and pieces in the dump? Does it go to the council or a charity?
On 18 Aug 2009 at 9:48pm Angry of Lewes (Retd) wrote:
I will tell my story again...
I took doors to Lewes dump - hardboard - stuffed with cardboard (cheap)BUT with thin timber frames - was told by one employee to put them in TMBER skip (I was at General purpose) - I pointed out (by folding it in half) that it was NOT wood
"well it looks like wood" I was told "put it in the wood skip" - at the wood skip another chap told me NOT to put it there because it was carboard so to put it in the cardboard skip "with the handles, hinges and timber frame still on it?" I queried - "don't worry mate it all gets sorted out when they get to Germany"!!!!!
THAT is where it all goes - diesel-lorry-hauled half-way across EuropE CARBON FOOTPRINT P'Ah!
THAT is where the items are seperated
THAT is where the "profit" for re-cycling goes - into the Tank industry, once again Europe will be torn apart as they build up a massive invincible force of land - battle ships named after cats
not that I care
On 19 Aug 2009 at 6:09pm felix_the_tank wrote:
Did someone mention a lack of GCSEs? That's proven then by AoL(R)'s message.
I think Germany are spending there money on other things at the mo - lots of inland wind turbines near roads - love 'em!

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