On 11 Sep 2015 at 7:11pm Terrified out of mind wrote:
Should they be banned?I can never tell what they are thinking,coz they are covered in hair.They could be refugees plotting mass murder on the streets.They could be women even, in disguise!Compulsory shaving for the beardies.If they refuse blow em up!Same goes for anyone wearing brown clothes ,I hate them too.Wipe em out!
On 11 Sep 2015 at 7:35pm Even more scared wrote:
Yes things are really bad.They are even worse than they were last time things were really bad.How do you feel about gingers?Are they safe?
On 11 Sep 2015 at 7:43pm Oh Gawd wrote:
Have you just woken up from a long sleep ? Men with beards have been with for, oooh, millennia; the current vogue has been around at least 5 years and that was on the back of the 'goatee' trend.
Personally I like a good beard. They're exceedingly sexy and hide weak chins.
On 11 Sep 2015 at 7:44pm Rosiecheeks wrote:
Also ban the burka. They frighten small children, and why they have them as teachers in our schools, ah but half the kids think they are their mums!!! Once the refugees have installed themselves in England, watch yourself, there will be meh em!!!
On 11 Sep 2015 at 7:59pm Earl of Lewes wrote:
Are the first two posts by the same person - someone who has also posted under the names of 'Fair Enough' and 'Dingo'?
On 11 Sep 2015 at 8:02pm Tipex wrote:
Refugees planning mass murder?? Your mum must be so proud of you.
On 11 Sep 2015 at 8:16pm Of of wrote:
Sometimes I think there are only three people on this forum and I am two of them.
On 11 Sep 2015 at 8:16pm Eh?? wrote:
Sorry, I know it's rude to laugh but is "meh em" meant to be "mayhem"?
On 11 Sep 2015 at 8:46pm Knocking Mc Knees. wrote:
My wife is a terrorist.Her cooking is practically poisonous.She terrorizes me morning noon and night. She has a downy upper lip and eats Turkish delight.Should I report her to the authorities?Or move to Australia where they would turn her into a surf board?
On 11 Sep 2015 at 9:41pm Earl of Lewes wrote:
@Knocking Mc Knees/Terrified Out of Mind/Even More Scared - Is this an attempt at satire, or just straightforward trolling? Come on, answer the question young man.
On 11 Sep 2015 at 10:38pm Rhodes wrote:
I'm with you Earl of Lewes this nonstop Trolling by 1 or 2 people has got a bit out of hand. No doubt it has scared most people off from even looking at the Forum let alone posting a comment!
Its sad that people feel that they can't post a comment about their concerns without running the risk of abuse..
Being called a Nazi is quite a regular thing from 1 or 2 people the next thing is to called is a Paedophile for no apparent reason!
This childish disturbed behaviour has seriously stifled all comments on the forum which is a very sad thing..
On 11 Sep 2015 at 11:03pm Barnacle Bill wrote:
Do you two have beards perchance?
On 12 Sep 2015 at 12:12am Rhodes wrote:
Have you been barred from the VIZ Forum perchance?
You've successfully near killed this Forum single handedly.
Its one thing using different names for making your point, but you use lots of names just to vilify someone for no apparent reason other than to satisfy your own childlike satisfaction.
For the sake of free speech on this Forum I think its about time Webbo outed & burned you now!
On 12 Sep 2015 at 2:26am The Burping cleric wrote:
Ve will burn all de laffing people,only people like me will be allowed on ze forum,zerious volk.Members of The master Rhodes.
On 12 Sep 2015 at 7:17am Curate wrote:
I pardon you
On 12 Sep 2015 at 8:02am Earl of Lewes wrote:
Yes, it's all very boring. The culprit hasn't quite mastered the art of writing and makes the same very specific mistakes in each post, so it's always immediately obvious. There are quite a few trolls on this forum - most make deliberately provocative right wing statements. Very few are remotely amusing - the one exception was the excellent post 'Emmigrants'.
I hope that this young lad can be blocked, but failing that, we shouldn't take the bait and respond.
On 12 Sep 2015 at 8:23am Country Rhodes wrote:
Ohh Cecil you are a one . Did you spot the hidden insult in the name?
On 12 Sep 2015 at 8:26am Tentacle Edward wrote:
To Bill. I have a merkin, does that count?
On 12 Sep 2015 at 8:46am Achilles wrote:
Isn't it all just an attempt to escape the self imposed restrictions on expression most of us live with in our real lives?
It is funny seeing how the point and splutter brigade have such a high opinion of themselves when they auto react.
Let's be honest, very few of us have any profoundly new insights on the world. We all think our own opinions are fascinating but are happy to straw man others.
Most of the so called Nazi's on here are good little boys larping because they are bored although they imagine themselves to be fearless in the face of mainstream conformity.
On 12 Sep 2015 at 9:00am Earl of Lewes wrote:
Good point Achilles, which is why I prefer it when the forum is more about local issues. I find the politics tedious, because it's mostly mud-slinging between right and left. Sometimes I join in and wonder why I bothered.
However, I find my own opinions as dull and half-baked as most other people's.
On 12 Sep 2015 at 9:52am trooper wrote:
@ Eof Lewes. My own sentiments precisely, I could not have put it better, thankyou.
On 12 Sep 2015 at 11:13am Mrs Grumpy wrote:
All the same, I feel I must vent my point of view, which is that all these bushy, unkempt beards are a real turn-off to most women, and I do hope their owners will soon return to shaving. After all, they can't all live in Alaska, where imho the silliest of facial hair exists.
On 12 Sep 2015 at 9:51pm sceptic wrote:
I find standing in front of a mirror with a sharpened piece of steel or running a minature lawn mower up and down your face just to get rid of hair that is natural to man so vain. And to cop it all they saturate their face with an evil smelling stuff called aftershave. Come on men leave the vanity to the women.
On 13 Sep 2015 at 9:13am Mrs Grumpy wrote:
No, shave off your revolting bushy beards, or at least trim them. What's wrong with a bit of vanity? Bushy bearded men can snack all day from the bits of breakfast that have fallen into their beards. And bin all those horrible below the knee shorts!