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Nissan now getting cold feet over Brexit.

On 25 Jan 2017 at 5:47pm Carlo. wrote:
Nissan to review Sunderland plant's competitiveness after Brexit
Carmaker’s head says at WEF in Davos that company will ‘re-evaluate’ situation once UK’s relationship with EU is settled

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On 25 Jan 2017 at 6:00pm Clifford wrote:
Otherwise known as 'seeking a bung'.
On 25 Jan 2017 at 6:08pm Local wrote:
Otherwise known as old news.
On 25 Jan 2017 at 6:08pm Karma wrote:
The level of integration, has made the carmakers especially vulnerable after Britain’s vote to leave the bloc. If a messy divorce follows, Toyota and others face the prospect of higher tariffs, a smaller labor pool and less access to the 500 million potential customers in Europe..
The drop in the British pound since the vote has not been much help, either. Many of the carmakers’ contracts here are priced in euros, even with suppliers in the same country like Johnson Controls, which makes seats for Toyota.

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On 25 Jan 2017 at 6:39pm Newms wrote:

Important point this . Actually these decisions cannot be made quickly and operate over the life span of a Plant. As each investment comes up for renewal we will have the same crisis
We cannot give anyone a bung and live within WTO rules (subsidising your product is the same as putting a tariff on someone else’s )
There is always much more inertia than you expect but you cannot stand against structural weakness for all that long . Britain faces the sort of decline a City like Manchester did as the rag trade went overseas , or the way Eastern Europe did stuck in a planned economy
The tariffs on Nissan cars are only part of the problem; the multiple point of origin checks required is a cost few will be able to cope with
New investment cannot be expected and the same goes for services to some extent . We know which direction the wild right of the Co0nservatuve Party want to go in , god knows where we will be in ten years. God knows how we fund the NHS …….

I think they call this grovelling to that foul comb-over fat clown Trump “ Taking our country back”.
Please please don`t inflict him on her majesty ….
On 26 Jan 2017 at 10:25pm Carlo. wrote:
The car industry has told Theresa May that the introduction of tariffs after Britain leaves the EU is a “red line” issue that would lead to a fall in sales and potentially result in job losses.
In a severe warning about the consequences of a hard Brexit, Mike Hawes, the chief executive of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, said tariffs would make UK car plants uncompetitive and it was critical that any trade deal with the EU contained some of the benefits of the single market and customs union.

Check it out here »

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