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New "centrist party" splits before launch!

On 31 Aug 2018 at 2:39pm Splitters Split . wrote:
A new political party promising to "break the Westminster mould" has suffered a split before its formal launch.
United for Change was set up by LoveFilm founder and entrepreneur Simon Franks, and is reported to have secured more than £50m in funding.
But the fledgling organisation's chief executive, Adam Knight, told the Times he had now left the team along with some of its staff to set up a new group.
He said that while United for Change shared the "same diagnosis" as his new outfit, dubbed Twelve Together after the number of UK regions, party chiefs had disagreed over strategy.
“In the end United for Change considered two potential strategic directions," he told the paper.
"The first was to take advantage of political instability surrounding Brexit to launch a political party around which the public, and maybe existing parliamentarians, could congregate as quickly as the beginning of 2019, while the second was to take a longer look at what it might mean to develop a new type of political organisation.
Mr Knight added: "We tried for a while to see if the two approaches could coexist, but it became clear that, while overlapping in places, they represented a fundamentally different type of leadership, set of values, timeline, and programme of activity."
The split comes as rumours continue to swirl in Westminster about a possible new grouping that might attract the support of disaffected Labour and Conservative MPs.
But Liberal Democrat former leader Tim (Just say NO to Gay Sex)Farron has urged MPs to "grow a flipping backbone" and set up a new grouping, saying it would have the support of the Lib Dumbs..Ha flaming Ha.You could n't make it up. Pillocks the lot of them.

On 31 Aug 2018 at 3:06pm Splitters wrote:
Larks tongues, otters noses!
On 31 Aug 2018 at 7:46pm Liberal voter wrote:
You will never get into any position of power for years with a new party. I have always voted Liberal; we used to be in government about a hundred years ago. All we have done in recent times (last 40 or so years) with our handful of MPs is have slight influence wit both Labour and Tory minority administrations.
On a local level however, we can f**k up district and county councils by flooding the ignorant with leaflets and other propaganda. The disenchanted usually vote liberal as an "alternative". Our sole MP in Sussex Stephen Lloyd is doing fantastic work in getting a plaque organised for those who died in the Eastbourne train crash of 1958; and also pressing for investigation into the gas cloud at Birling Gap last year.
On 1 Sep 2018 at 6:59pm Ginger wrote:
Apparently the new centrist party guys took one look at the polling and decided to set up a new far-right party instead…

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