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New Lewes speed camera

On 14 Jan 2016 at 7:30pm James Hunt wrote:
You have been warned

Check it out here »
On 14 Jan 2016 at 8:01pm Historian wrote:
Cheaper and financially more productive than a flyover !
On 14 Jan 2016 at 8:46pm Rob wrote:
Drivers heading out of Brighton and Hove on the A27 have been warned about a new mobile speed camera site.
The Sussex Safer Roads Partnership said that it would be deploying mobile speed cameras on the approach to the Ashcombe Roundabout near Lewes from the end of this month.
It said that two people had died and ten crashes had left people dead or seriously injured in an 18-month period.
On 15 Jan 2016 at 12:35am jester wrote:
I love how people have liked a comment about people dying. Lmfao
On 15 Jan 2016 at 1:58am My land wrote:
It's all about making money
On 15 Jan 2016 at 9:54am Slarty wrote:
No, it is about penalising people who do not keep to the law. This area has be diagnosed as a dangerous site and in the majority of those cases inappropriate speed was the cause.
I wish people would man up (or woman up) and admit they have done something illegal and stop moaning about having to depart with some cash and people then thinking it is done to raise money. It does raise money, but that is because there are lots of law breakers.
On 15 Jan 2016 at 11:25am Rob wrote:
Jester, I think people are giving a thumbs up about needing a speed camera, because people have dies as a result of speeding. Agree with Slarty. Just stick to the speed limit, it won't kill you...or someone else.
On 15 Jan 2016 at 12:08pm Penguin wrote:
I am surprised there aren't a lot more accidents on that roundabout. There are a lot of drivers that clearly don't know how to use a roundabout, and think it is perfectly acceptable to cut across from the outside lane and carve up anyone on the inside lane and then get shirty because you are in their way! It's a problem on roundabouts everywhere, but seems this one especially, even though it has lanes painted on the road to help the stupid!
On 15 Jan 2016 at 1:03pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I think the approach to the roundabout is a bit odd.
A lot of people fail to observe the cross-hatched area and drive straight across, and the law-abiding people move out and then back to the left-hand lane. I've seen a few near misses when the driver switching lanes to the left hasn't checked their mirrors or indicated and has nearly collided with the loon who's in the wrong place.
Although I always pull out and back in again, because I'm very law-abiding, I really can't see the purpose of the cross-hatched bit. I wonder if it might be better just to do away with it.
On 15 Jan 2016 at 5:50pm John Smith wrote:
I do agree about the cross-hatching. Its purpose is a mystery to me, and I generally sort of creep across the edge of it, indicating as I do so.

I think that whole stretch, between Falmer and the roundabout, is tricky. You've just left a very fast open road and into a narrow heavily wooded stretch with restricted visibility, and there's a really dangerous filter which joins just as you enter it. Then there's the speed restriction down to 50 to which most drivers pay not the slightest attention, and the weird cross-hatched area. Speed cameras might force people to pay attention a bit more; I hope so.
On 15 Jan 2016 at 8:27pm Ho Ho Ho wrote:
The hatchings have a broken white line surrounding them. It is not illegal to drive over them if it is safe to do so. In the example of approaching Ashcombe Roundabout it could be argued that it is safer to cross to ease the progress of traffic intending to talk the second exit from Lane 1.
On 16 Jan 2016 at 12:09am nevillman wrote:
The hatching is to stop people going in the left hand lane who want to go straight on.
On 16 Jan 2016 at 3:41pm Ho Ho Ho wrote:
My point was that by crossing the hatchings (if safe to do so) when intending to turn left, you are not impeding people going straight on in what becomes Lane 1 past the hatched area. It aids a steadier flow of traffic rather than the seemingly more common panicked braking, sling it left, brake some more practiced by many that then causes a ripple effect for those going straight on.
On 16 Jan 2016 at 9:33pm LewesMan wrote:
I love the wording.
“We aim to be as transparent as possible in our areas of enforcement, with the motivation to promote to motorists that we are there for their safety, not to generate revenue.”
I think that "transparent" is quite difficult to see. So is the spokesman being clever with his English or does he mean they are trying to be opaque?

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