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New Lewes Cinema - any good?

On 23 Oct 2012 at 11:11pm bloke wrote:
Anyone been to the new Lewes Cinema at the Little Theatre?
On 23 Oct 2012 at 11:37pm Parse wrote:
Yes - very good screen, sound and seats. First four rows too close up and hurt your neck though - but loads of other seats.
On 24 Oct 2012 at 6:38am Lewes Cinema wrote:
Thank you Parse - good feedback.
Yes we know the front two rows are very close but they are not part of the general seats on sale. We are only offering the front two rows if all other seats are sold out and then people will be told those seats are close.
Having said that we have already had people watch from the second row with no problems and kids are likely to head for the front row.. so I guess it will depend on the individual.
Best views are probably from the balcony but again it comes down to personal preference. All balcony seats are selectable online as are the back two rows (G & H) downstairs (which are the best in our opinion) - others are unreserved.
On 24 Oct 2012 at 7:50am Deelite wrote:
Are the front seats cheaper then?
On 24 Oct 2012 at 7:52am Lewes Cinema wrote:
All seats are £6.50 for adults - the front two rows are not for sale except when all the others are sold.
On 24 Oct 2012 at 8:37am Parse wrote:
Yes - front rows no different to front rows at Odeon etc. Agreed that rows at back down bottom better than balcony. Better quality screen than all but the biggest one at Uckfield by the way and no-one rattling popcorn next to you.
On 24 Oct 2012 at 8:44am Ham wrote:
I saw Anna karennina there - odd film but very good screen and sound - as said above - better than Uckfield. Also has a free car park for out of towners. Very busy as well - went to a film at the council cinema at All Saints and it was empty - 6 people there. And that's my money funding that one. Hope they both succeed but worry they won't. Looking forward to town council accounts this year! Lewes cinema accounts are their own business.
On 25 Oct 2012 at 1:09am Dawn wrote:
Better than Uckfield? Ha ha ha ha ha. Hardly.
On 25 Oct 2012 at 7:55am Pete wrote:
Yes - I went and definitely better than Uckfield! Really nice cinema and sound and screen quality better than picture house. Also as said above no popcorn or coke being slurped. Nice cup of tea and cake instead. Screen bigger than the screen I last saw a film on at Uckfield as well. Plus and here's the clincher - you can walk there!!
On 25 Oct 2012 at 12:49pm Dawn wrote:
This whole thread is Lewes cinema pretending to be other people. Very amusing.
On 25 Oct 2012 at 1:00pm Percy wrote:
Does it have a bar? If I can take in a bottle of Harveys and they start to show films as good and diverse as the Duke of Yorks then Lewes might actually start to be a serious destination to watch films.
On 25 Oct 2012 at 2:14pm Peter wrote:
No it's not Dawn !! Who are you from picture house Uckfield ...
On 25 Oct 2012 at 2:43pm Lewes Cinema wrote:
Erm, no Dawn it's not. Lewes Cinema is posting as 'Lewes Cinema' only.
Percy, we have a basic bar selling wine and sometimes beer - it's not harvey's at the moment but I'll try and do something about that.
On 26 Oct 2012 at 1:39pm steve watts wrote:
If we all go to the All Saints perhaps it will give the Town Council enough money to buy the Grange ! Just a thought.
On 29 Oct 2012 at 9:08pm baby vulture wrote:
i think the new lewes cinema is great. for 1 child and 2 adults to see hope springs at the top upstairs seats was £18 pricey but is a grat cinema

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