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New Labour is dead.Viva Corbyn and the New Left.

On 18 Aug 2015 at 9:04pm A New Day Dawns. wrote:
Cometh the hour,cometh the man to take the Labour Party forward,young and old together.At last we can start to make a Britain that works for everybody not just the rich and powerfull.Viva Labour,Viva Corbyn!Viva Britain!
On 18 Aug 2015 at 9:43pm Laura wrote:
I'm sorry he's taken love ;-)
On 18 Aug 2015 at 10:45pm lewesian wrote:
agreed 100%
On 19 Aug 2015 at 6:55am Paul Newman wrote:
Yes this is a epochal moment in British politics far more important than the last general election unless you view it as the continuation of that argument .
It appears possible that Corbyn will win on first preferences which will produce a Parliamentary Party in which no more than 12 were not vehemently opposed to their leader. That situation cannot continue, either the PLP to shift rapidly in an accomodation with their own constituencies ( and lose any shred of relevance ) or Corbyn will have to go
Its hard for someone like me, who has been used to issues and credible policies being the subject to understand this new "trending " style of selfy voting , it looks like a form of madness .
On 19 Aug 2015 at 8:26am bastian wrote:
Paul, your argument here is fragile. This is the first time in 30 years that there has been a politician who is standing up for everyone, voicing what many have been thinking, and if it causes a rift in the Labour party it has been well overdue, because the infiltrators form the right need pushing out. Centre politics has been tried an dhas failed, alienating the many low paid workers of Britain and upholding the rich through tax evasion. It's time Corbyn sorted it all out and reclaimed the name "Labour".
On 19 Aug 2015 at 8:37am Paul Newman wrote:
I look forward to the trials and subsequent purges which, I suggest, are staged as a Reality TV show hosted by Ant and Dec
On 19 Aug 2015 at 8:46am Falmer Palmer wrote:
What Bastian said ^
Its not New Labour.
Its not Old Labour.
Just Labour.
On 19 Aug 2015 at 1:25pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Yep, I'm with Bastian on this one too.
On 19 Aug 2015 at 1:49pm Paul Newman wrote:
I wonder if the typical Lewes lefty actually doesn't like the idea of having to make decisions and take responsibility for the consequences , after all for years that was the only function of the Liberal Party.
I wonder if the idea of being all radical and "principled" whilst real decisions are made by a a sort of proxy parent ( The Conservative Party) isn`t exactly what this kidult mind craves.

On 19 Aug 2015 at 6:53pm Newell Fisher wrote:
Keep the insults coming. Far better than having to consider whether those with principles might actually have a point.

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