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Nevill "chavs"

On 23 Aug 2012 at 6:05pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Has anyone else noticed that there seem to be loads of oiks hanging around at the corner of the crescent again? They seem to be turning the place into an alfresco car repair shop.
Yesterday they were playing football in the road, when there's a perfectly good green just feet away and today when I drove past one of them looked as though he was having a pee against the hedge of one of the houses.
They must be the only people who can get away with parking on a double yellow line for hours in the whole of Lewes.
On 23 Aug 2012 at 7:45pm Sussex Jim wrote:
Nevill is outside of the remit of the bluebottles. Photograph offending cars, with a witness, and report in to Norman Baker with times,etc. As a transport minister, I would expect him to do something about the problem.
Working on horseless carriages on the public highway is an offence dating back to the 19th. century. You are not even allowed to wash a car in the street. Report, with photographic evidence, to the Police.
On 23 Aug 2012 at 10:31pm Ben wrote:
Working on horseless carriages! How very dare they.
On 24 Aug 2012 at 12:30am Bloke wrote:
Your not allowed to wash a car in the street, what a load of old tosh! get a grip jim
On 24 Aug 2012 at 7:39am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Who is responsible for enofrcing parking controls on Nevill then? I know there's only a few bits that have restrictions, but if they're not being enforced those yellow lines are nothing more than expensive decoration.
It's not so much the working on cars that is the problem (although I wouldn't like it if it went on all the time outside my house), but the anti-social behaviour that accompanies it.
On 24 Aug 2012 at 1:17pm TDA wrote:
it is perfectly legal for a male to urinate in public, as long it is on a rear wheel of his motor vehicle and his right hand is on the vehicle. I know this doesn't help, just thought I'd mention it.
On 24 Aug 2012 at 3:22pm Snobby Knobby wrote:
I feel sorry for the next door neighbour. Fancy having to live next door to a bunch of benefit scrougers and petrol heads
On 24 Aug 2012 at 3:59pm Pete wrote:
Well at least we know where they are !
On 24 Aug 2012 at 6:15pm Round em up wrote:
Round em up and open a soup kitchen in a field and give the house to someone deserving!!
On 24 Aug 2012 at 7:34pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I was told today that none of them actually live at the house in question, although one is (allegedly) the son of the resident.
On 24 Aug 2012 at 7:51pm Sussex Jim wrote:
TDA- It's the front wheel actually- so that you can still hold on to your horse.
On 24 Aug 2012 at 11:57pm Bloke wrote:
There's no way I could have one hand trying to hold & control a massive animal and the other hand hanging onto my horse
On 25 Aug 2012 at 12:29am lyn 1066 wrote:
Ha ha you cock!
On 25 Aug 2012 at 8:44am Pete wrote:
Bet they won't be out in this weather !
On 25 Aug 2012 at 1:07pm RealBloke wrote:
Hey bloke get your own Name!!
Posts above are not by me.
On 25 Aug 2012 at 11:26pm rat catcher wrote:
May be have a word with ***** ****** he thinks he`s the king pin of Nevill (sorry King rat) maybe little he can sort them out ,and if not he will properly joint them in his ratmobile how about it little simlpe Si aka GT :-p
On 26 Aug 2012 at 12:31am Bloke 2 wrote:
Didn't know you'd claimed the name 'Bloke' Bloke, I am Bloke 2 then. The bloke thats written the first few bloke comments, the one with the massive animal (fnarr fnarrr chortle chortle)
On 26 Aug 2012 at 4:28pm Pete wrote:
***** ****** ? Don't you mean Paul Newman ? haven't heard from him in yonks...has he moved ?
On 26 Aug 2012 at 7:47pm Local wrote:
What ARE you on about, rat catcher?
On 27 Aug 2012 at 9:04am wanderer wrote:
Jim its rear wheels as horse and carts only had rear wheels as the horse has legs.
On 27 Aug 2012 at 11:03am Pathetic. wrote:
Leave them alone!! Reporting them for traffic violations makes you just as bad as the bloody parking wardens themselves...
we could use this as the beginning of our rebellion against paying for leaving our cars in our own town...

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