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On 21 Oct 2012 at 8:33am Pete wrote:
Well done NJBS. Just one niggle first - too many drunk youngsters milling around arguing for my liking.
Otherwise, well done to all and sundry in the NJBS, and not forgetting the firemen, police and ambulance support, AND, that nice man who came around ths morning to use the roadsweeper to clear away what remainded of the rubbish (which was not a lot) - fantastic !
Despite the drizzle and then the rain, everyone in the procession gave it their all and were well disciplined as usual, if a tad sodden - I felt very guilty standing dry under my umbrella !
But nevertheless, good organisation once again, let's hope we have a heat wave next year.....
On 21 Oct 2012 at 9:38am Lopster wrote:
Drunk Youngsters can usually be put down by a few adults
Congratulations to all involved, sadly circumstances kept me indoors, and even more sadly the weather thwarted much of the aerial display usually so visible from my house - didn't stop me from appreciating the commitment of all those involved though
Well done everyone
On 21 Oct 2012 at 1:49pm topbird wrote:
I am writing as a concerned parent, to other parents
if you are letting your teens out drinking spirits and smoking weed please be aware that they are making themselves very vulnerable.Lots of young people were out to enjoy what is a family friendly event and yes they will drink, however lets look after them please...
My daughter attended the bonfire and was really shocked and upset to see a man masturbating very close to her and her friends,
I feel very shocked and saddened by this as whilst my daughter was sensible enough to leave the area , others if they are out of it because of alchohol or drugs are at risk. As we have another big event coming up soon I feel its important
On 21 Oct 2012 at 8:16pm brixtonbelle wrote:
Unfortunately topbird there are always 'flashers' around - I know as a teenager I encountered a few w@nkers in very normal circumstances - all broad daylight on public streets. Parents have to warn their kids about such dangers, and also the dangers of drink and drugs in general. To reasssure you, whilst not pleasant, a flasher normally gets their kicks by flashing and only flashing and are unlikely to do/try anything further. Teens should always stick together and not leave any friends on their own, especially given the prevalence of drinking and drugs amongst some of the kids.
On 22 Oct 2012 at 8:39am concerned parent wrote:
Topbird has your daughter a discription of this man ? Was he in costume ? Was he just a member of the public ? Was there other witnesses ? It needs reporting asap to the police !!!
On 22 Oct 2012 at 9:56am Dad wrote:
A few years ago my wife was called to school because a teacher (female) alleged that my six year old was masturbating in class. It turned out my son had been bitten by an insect and it was particularly itchy - hence the hand down his trousers.
On 22 Oct 2012 at 12:13pm Oscar Saurin wrote:
i am a drnk teenagers nd we gt drnk 4 shizzle and gigs!! we dnt care wht u people tink! we luv da lol's!
On 22 Oct 2012 at 12:24pm boo khaki wrote:
Concerned parent is spot on
On 22 Oct 2012 at 12:26pm Bruce the Koala wrote:
As a young Koala growing up on the Neville, i was most distressed I must admit to discover the existence of a night where Humans with great big burning sticks march through the streets I regularly frequent. As a Koala, I, of course, live primarily off Eucalyptus, which, I must say, is delicious. However, the problem with this is that Eucalyptus oil is extremely flammable. Starting to see my dilemma? To make my situation further untenable, the oil collects on my head and m arms are to short to remove it. Please consider me and other such mammals next year, as the 20th of this year was truly terrifying. Yours sincerely, Bruce. x
On 24 Oct 2012 at 9:28am Mother of teenage girls wrote:
Oh Oscar! I think you better spend a little more time on your school work - especially English. I sincerely hope I never hear the words "This is my boyfriend, Oscar Saurin."

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